
This module contains a collection of utility classes and functions that are used throughout the library.


The most important module is main.py, which is the entry point for the library. It contains the main function, which is called when the library is run as a script. This function is responsible for parsing the command line arguments and calling the appropriate functions to perform train and validation.

Running Mammoth#

To run the library, simply run the utils/main.py script. There are a few command line arguments that can be used to customize the execution of the library. To see the full list of arguments, run the following command:

python utils/main.py --help

The most important arguments are the following:

  • --dataset: the name of the dataset to use. The list of available datasets can be found in the datasets folder (or with --help).

  • --model: the name of the model to run. The list of available models can be found in the models folder (or with --help). Once the model is selected, its corresponding parser is loaded (see the parse_args function in Models) and the model-specific arguments are available and shown with --help.

  • --lr: the learning rate to use for training.

  • --buffer_size (only required for rehearsal-based methods): the size of the replay buffer.

Other arguments such as the size of the training batch and the number of epochs are automatically loaded by the selected dataset (see Datasets). However, the default values can be overridden by specifying the corresponding command line arguments. For example, to run the er model on the seq-cifar10 dataset with a batch size of 128 and 10 epochs (instead of the default of 32 and 50 respectively), run the following command:

python utils/main.py --dataset seq-cifar10 --model der --buffer_size 500 --lr 0.03 --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 10


To ease hyper-parameter tuning, all boolean arguments follow the convention: --<argument>=1 for True and --<argument>=0 for False.


By default, the library does not guarantee reproducibility and seeds are set randomly. However, this can be changed by setting the seed manually.

For example, to run the er model on the seq-cifar10 dataset with a seed of 42, run the following command:

python utils/main.py --dataset seq-cifar10 --model der --buffer_size 500 --lr 0.03 --seed 42

Setting the seed affects:

  • The random number generators in numpy, torch, and random.

  • The seed for all GPUs (if available). See PyTorch’s docs for more informations.

  • If permute_classes is set, the order of the classes in each task (and the order of the tasks themselves).

  • The random number generators in the data loaders.

We do not set torch.use_deterministic_algorithms(True) by default, as it can slow down the training process and in our tests does not seem to affect results too much. However, it can be set manually in the main.py script if desired.


The permute_classes argument shuffles the classes before splitting them into tasks. This parameter is influenced by the seed: if the seed is not set, a different permutation will be applied to each run, while if the seed is set, the same permutation will be applied each time. Since you probably do not want to run tests with different classes each time, this functionality is disabled by default. However, it can be enabled by setting –permute_classes=1.

Other useful arguments#

  • --debug_mode: If set to 1, the model will run for only a few iterations per each epoch and will disable WandB logging. This is useful for debugging.

  • --num_workers: The number of workers to use for the data loaders. If set to 0, the data loaders will run in the main process. This is useful for debugging.

  • --seed: The seed to use for the random number generators. If this is not set, the seed will be randomly generated.

  • --permute_classes: (default 0) If set to 1, the classes will be randomly permuted before splitting them into tasks.

  • --joint: If set to 1, the supplied dataset will be treated as a single task. This usually serves as a upper bound for the performance of the model.

  • --label_perc_by_task (alias of --label_perc and --lpt): The percentage of labels to use for each task. If set to 0, the model will be trained in a fully unsupervised manner.

  • --label_perc_by_class (alias of --lpc): The percentage of labels to use for each class. If set to 0, the model will be trained in a fully unsupervised manner.

Other notable modules#

  • args: contains all the global arguments. For model-specific arguments, see the parse_args function in the corresponding model file (under models/<MODEL NAME>).

  • buffer: contains the Buffer class, which is used to store the data for the replay buffer.

  • training: contains the train function, which is responsible for training the model, and the evaluate function, which is responsible for evaluating the model. The train function iterates over all the tasks and supports 3 utility functions: begin_task, end_task, and observe:

    • begin_task: called at the beginning of each task. It is useful if the model needs to set its internal state before starting the task (e.g., calculating some preliminary statistics or adding new parameters for the new task).

    • end_task: called at the end of each task. This function can be used to save the model after each task or perform some last-minute operations before the task ends (for example, in the case of gdumb it can be used to train on the data currently stored in the buffer).

    • observe: called at each training step. It should contain all the logic to train the model on the current batch, including updating the replay buffer and the target network (if applicable). It should also return the loss value for the current batch.

  • conf: contains some utility functions such as the default path where to download the datasets (base_path) and the default device to use (get_device).