
A model is defined as a Python class that defines a few methods and attributes to be used in the continual learning framework. To be compatible with the auto-detection mechanism (the get_model function below), a model must:

  • extend the base class ContinualModel, which implements most of the required methods, leaving to the user the definition of the observe method (see in Training and testing). In addition, the model must define the NAME and COMPATIBILITY attributes (see below).

  • be defined in a file named <model_name>.py and placed in the models folder.

The model-specific hyper-parameters of the model can be set in the get_parser static method (see in Model parameters).


The name of the file will be used to identify the model. For example, if the model is defined in a file named, the name of the model will be my_model and will be called with the command line option –model my_model.


Each file can contain only one model. If you want to define multiple models, you have to create multiple files.

Training and testing#

The observe method is the only method that must be implemented by the user. It is called at each training iteration and it is used to update the model parameters according to the current training batch. The method must have the following signature:

def observe(self, inputs: torch.Tensor, labels: torch.Tensor,
        not_aug_inputs: torch.Tensor, epoch: int = None) -> float:

    # Update the model parameters according to the current batch

    # Return the current loss value (as a float value)
    return loss.item()

The method receives as input the current training batch (i.e., inputs and labels), the original batch (i.e., not_aug_inputs) and (optionally) the current training epoch (i.e., epoch). The method must return the current loss value (as a float value).


The forward method is used to evaluate the model on the test set. By default, it is implemented in the base class ContinualModel and just calls the forward method of the backbone model. However, it can be overridden to implement a different evaluation method. The method must have the following signature:

def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:

    # Compute the output of the model

    # Return the output of the model
    return output

Attributes and utility methods#

The base class (ContinualModel) includes the NAME and COMPATIBILITY attributes, which are used to identify the model and to check its compatibility with the chosen setting (see Datasets for more details). The NAME attribute is a string that identifies the model, while the COMPATIBILITY attribute is a list of strings that identify the compatible settings. For example, DER includes compatibility with ['class-il', 'domain-il', 'task-il', 'general-continual'] settings, and thus is compatible with all the datasets included in the framework. However, as it includes no compatibility with the 'cssl' setting, it cannot take advantage of unlabeled samples (available if --label_perc_by_task or --label_perc_by_class is set to a value between 0 and 1).

Basic model class#

The ContinualModel loads the backbone model (i.e., the model used to compute the output of the model, see Backbones) during the initialization. By default, the backbone model is defined by the chosen dataset (see Datasets for more details), but it can also be set with the --backbone CLI argument. Once loaded, the backbone model can be accessed through the net attribute.

Handling Begin and End of tasks and epochs#

Besides the observe and forward methods, the ContinualModel provides the begin_task and end_task methods, which are called at the beginning and at the end of each task respectively, and the begin_epoch and end_epoch methods, which are called at the beginning and at the end of each epoch respectively. These methods can be overridden to implement custom behavior. For example, the end_task method can be used to save the model parameters at the end of each task.

Automatic attributes#

The base class ContinualModel provides a few properties that are automatically set during the incremental training (see ContinualModel for more details). The most important attributes are:

Other notable attributes

  • device: the device used (e.g, cpu or cuda:0).

  • net: the backbone model (see above).

  • opt: the optimizer used to train the model.

  • loss: the loss function, defined by the chosen dataset (see Datasets for more details).

  • dataset: a reference to the chosen dataset, to ease the access to its attributes.

  • args: the arguments passed to the framework.


The automatic conversion between PIL and kornia is handeled by the to_kornia_transform function in Kornia Utils, which converts (most) PIL transforms to kornia transforms. However, not all the transforms are supported, and thus this function may not be always available. If you want to use a custom transform, you have to extend the to_kornia_transform function.

Model parameters#

The get_parser method is used to define the model-specific hyper-parameters. It is defined as a static method (see ContinualModel) that takes an existing argparse.ArgumentParser object and returns an updated version of it with the model-specific hyper-parameters added. This method is called during the initialization of the model and it is used to parse the command line arguments. The get_parser method must have the following signature:

def get_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:

    # Create the parser
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('MyModel parameters')

    # Add the model-specific hyper-parameters
    parser.add_argument('--my_param', type=int, default=1, help='My parameter')

    return parser


To remain backward compatible with the previous version of the framework, the parser parameter is optional. In this case, the method must create a new argparse.ArgumentParser object and return it.

Once the model is selected with the command line option –model, the hyper-parameters are loaded and can be viewed with --help.

Model configurations#

To simplify the selection of the model hyper-parameters, the framework includes a few predefined configurations that can be loaded with the --model_config argument. The configurations are defined in the models/configs folder and can define:

  • default: the default configuration for the model, which does NOT depend on the dataset or buffer size. This configuration is used if the --model_config argument is set to default (or base). This is the default behaviour. A similar effect of setting the --model_config argument to default can be achieved by setting the default values in the get_parser method, using the set_defaults method of the argparse.ArgumentParser object. The default values set in the get_parser method are always loaded, but can be overridden by the CLI arguments.

  • best: the best configuration for the model for a particular dataset (and buffer size, if applicable). This configuration is used if the --model_config argument is set to best.

Each configuration is defined in a file named <model_name>.yaml and placed in the models/configs folder. The configuration file is a YAML file that defines the hyper-parameters of the model. The hyper-parameters are defined as a dictionary with the hyper-parameter name as the key and the hyper-parameter value as the value. All hyper-parameters defined under the key default are loaded with the default configuration, while only the hyper-parameters defined at under the dataset name (and buffer size, if applicable) are loaded with the best configuration. For example, the following configuration file for my_model defines a default optimizer for the model, a learning_rate when trained on the seq-cifar100 dataset, and a optim_wd when the buffer size is 100:

    optimizer: adam # this optimizer is set to 'adam' by default (i.e., is ALWAYS loaded)
seq-cifar100: # all the hyper-parameters defined under 'seq-cifar100' are loaded only if the dataset is 'seq-cifar100'
    learning_rate: 0.001
    100: # all the hyper-parameters defined under '100' are loaded only if the buffer size is '100'
    optim_wd: 1e-5

Other utility methods#

  • get_optimizer: returns the optimizer used to train the model.

  • get_debug_iters: used if --debug_mode is set to 1, it returns the number of iterations to perform during each task. By default, it returns 5.

  • autolog_wandb: called after each observe, it relies on the Magic module to log all the variables created in the observe that start with loss or _wandb_. This method can also be called manually to log custom variables by providing the extra parameter.


    This method is called only if --debug_mode is set to 0 (i.e, it is not called during the debug mode).

Advanced usage#

The ContinualModel class relies on a few hooks to automatically update its internal attributes. These hooks are called before the begin_task, end_task, and observe methods (meta_begin_task, meta_end_task, and meta_observe respectively). If you want to implement a custom behavior, you can override these hooks.


The meta_observe is responsible for removing the unlabeled samples (i.e., those with an associated label set to -1) from the batch if the model does not support the --label_perc_by_class and --label_perc_by_task parameters.

Module attributes and functions#

Return type:


models.get_model(args, backbone, loss, transform, dataset)[source]#

Return the class of the selected continual model among those that are available. If an error was detected while loading the available datasets, it raises the appropriate error message.

  • args (Namespace) – the arguments which contains the –model attribute

  • backbone (nn.Module) – the backbone of the model

  • loss – the loss function

  • transform – the transform function

  • dataset – the instance of the dataset

Return type:



AssertError: if the model is not available Exception: if an error is detected in the model


the continual model instance

Return type:



Return the class of the selected continual model among those that are available. If an error was detected while loading the available datasets, it raises the appropriate error message.


args (Namespace) – the arguments which contains the –model attribute

Return type:



AssertError: if the model is not available Exception: if an error is detected in the model


the continual model class

Return type:



Return the available continual model names and classes.


A dictionary containing the names of the available continual models and their classes.

Return type:

Dict[str, ContinualModel]