
Mammoth includes a couple of scripts (under the scripts folder) to help you with your development.

  • scripts/ this script contains a grid_combinations dictionary, which contains all the hyper-parameters you want to test and their possible values. It will generate a data/jobs/<experiment_name>.txt file containing all the possible combinations of hyper-parameters. You can then use this file to launch your experiments on the grid (see below).

  • scripts/ this script will launch all the experiments in the data/jobs/<experiment_name>.txt file in paralel on your local machine. Logs for each experiment will be stored in the logs folder. It accepts the following arguments:
    • --file: path to the file containing the experiments to run (default: data/jobs/<experiment_name>.txt)

    • --cycles: number of times each experiment should be repeated (default: 1)

    • --at_a_time: number of experiments to run in parallel (default: 1)

    • --start_from: index of the first experiment to run (default: 0)

    • --reverse: if set, the experiments will be run in reverse order (default: False)

  • scripts/ this script will launch all the experiments in the data/jobs/<experiment_name>.txt file on a SLURM cluster. By default, the standard output and standard error will be redirected to a out and err folder respectively. The main arguments it accepts are:
    • --file: path to the file containing the experiments to run (default: data/jobs/<experiment_name>.txt)

    • --at_a_time: number of experiments to run in parallel for each slurm job (default: 1)

    • --cycles: number of times each experiment should be repeated (default: 1)

    • --name: name of the slurm job (default: mammoth)

    • --partition: name of the slurm partition (default: gpu)

    • --account: maximum time for each slurm job (default: 1-00:00:00)

    • --dry: if set, the slurm jobs will not be submitted (default: False)

  • scripts/ this script is used to facilitate syncing the logs produced by WandB (useful if WandB was set to offline). Instead of sequentially syncing the logs for each experiment, this script will sync the logs for all the experiments in parallel. It accepts the following arguments:
    • --n_workers: number of workers to use (default: 4*number of cores)

    • --limit: maximum number of experiments to sync (default: None)

    • --reverse: if set, the experiments will be synced in reverse order (default: False)