How to build a dataset in Mammoth#
In Mammoth, a dataset is a class that inherits from Continual Dataset and defines all the hyper-parameters that define a complete Continual Learning scenario. The only exception are datasets that follow the general-continual setting, which inherit from the GCLDataset class, (defined in GCL Dataset).
To build a dataset, you need to define the following methods:
get_data_loaders (returns
[DataLoader, DataLoader]
): this function is tasked with creating and returning the train and test data loaders for the task at hand. The function should return a list of two data loaders, the first one for the training data and the second one for the test data. To split the data for the current task, you can use thestore_masked_loaders
function. For more information, see Splitting the data.Important
The train dataset must return both augmented and non-augmented data. This is done to allow the storage of raw data for replay-based methods. The signature return for the train data loader is
(augmented_data, labels, non_augmented_data)
, while the test data loader should return(data, labels)
get_backbone (returns
): returns the name of backbone model to be used for the experiment. Backbones are defined in backbones folder and can be registered with the register_backbone decorator. See more in Backbones.get_transform (returns
): a static method that returns the data-augmentation transform to apply to the data during train.get_loss (returns
): a static method that returns the loss function to use during train.get_normalization_transform (returns
): a static method that returns the normalization transform to apply on torch tensors (no ToTensor() required).get_denormalization_transform (returns
): a static method that returns the transform to apply on the tensors to revert the normalization. You can use the DeNormalize function defined in datasets/transforms/
Some additional methods can be defined as a quality of life improvement. They are not strictly necessary, but can be useful if you want to avoid specifying them in the CLI all the time:
get_batch_size (returns
): returns the batch size for each task.get_epochs (returns
): returns the number of epoch for each task. This method should not be changed only for datasets that follow the general-continual setting (as it is single-epoch by definition).
Splitting the data#
Before returning the data loaders, you need to split the data for the current task. You can do this in two ways:
store_masked_loaders: this function is the easiest way to split the data. It takes care of masking the data loaders to return only the data for the current task and is used by most datasets to create the data loaders for each task. Besides splitting the data, this function also applies the following transformations:
If the
flag is set to1
, it also applies the appropriate permutation to the classes before splitting the data.If the
argument is set to a value between0
, it also randomly masks a percentage of the labels for each task/class (Continual Semi-Supervised Learning scenario)If the
argument is set to a value between0
, it also adds noise to the labels for each task/class (Continual Learning under Noisy Labels scenario). This option is available only if the task is a multi-class single-label classification task (i.e., the get_loss() method returns F.cross_entropy).
custom: you can split data manually in the
method. This may be used for more complex scenarios (e.g., scenarios with blurry task boundaries) or if your scenario is composed of multiple datasets that need to be combined in a specific way.
Required attributes#
To define a dataset, you need to define the following attributes:
Name of the dataset: NAME attribute (
). This will be used to select the dataset from the command line with the--dataset
argument.Incremental setting (class-il, domain-il, or general-continual): SETTING attribute (
). See more in section Experimental settings.Size of the input data: SIZE attribute (
Some additional attributes are necessary for the class-il and domain-il settings:
Number of tasks: TASKS attribute (
).Number of classes per task: N_CLASSES_PER_TASK attribute (
). This can be a list of integers (one for each task and only for class-il setting), or a single integer.
Putting it all together with an example#
Let’s see an example of how to define a dataset. In this case, we will define a dataset that follows the class-il setting with 5 tasks and 2 classes per task. The dataset will be called SequentialCIFAR10 and will have a size of 32x32. The dataset will use the CIFAR-10 dataset and will apply only the standard normalization.
# ... imports
class SequentialCIFAR10(ContinualDataset):
NAME = 'seq-cifar10' # Name of the dataset
SETTING = 'class-il' # Class-Incremental setting
N_CLASSES_PER_TASK = 2 # 2 classes per task
N_TASKS = 5 # 5 tasks in total
N_CLASSES = N_CLASSES_PER_TASK * N_TASKS # Total number of classes in the dataset. This is automatically calculated by the framework if not provided.
SIZE = (32, 32) # Size of the input data
MEAN, STD = (0.4914, 0.4822, 0.4465), (0.2470, 0.2435, 0.2615) # Mean and standard deviation of the dataset
TRANSFORM = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(MEAN, STD)]) # Data augmentation transform
def get_data_loaders(self):
# TrainCIFAR10 is a custom dataset that returns both augmented and non-augmented data
train_dataset = TrainCIFAR10(base_path() + 'CIFAR10', train=True,
download=True, transform=self.TRANSFORM)
# for the test dataset, we use the standard CIFAR-10 dataset, as we don't need to non-augmented data
test_dataset = CIFAR10(base_path() + 'CIFAR10', train=False,
download=True, transform=self.TEST_TRANSFORM)
# Split the data for the current task and return the data loaders
return store_masked_loaders(train_dataset, test_dataset, self)
def get_transform(): # this should include the ToPILImage() transform, as it will be applied on tensors
return transforms.Compose([transforms.ToPILImage(), SequentialCIFAR10.TRANSFORM])
def get_backbone(): # the name of the backbone model to use
return "resnet18"
def get_loss(): # the loss function
return F.cross_entropy
def get_normalization_transform():
return transforms.Normalize(SequentialCIFAR10.MEAN, SequentialCIFAR10.STD)
def get_denormalization_transform():
return DeNormalize(SequentialCIFAR10.MEAN, SequentialCIFAR10.STD)
In the code above, we define a dataset called SequentialCIFAR10 that follows the class-il setting. The most important method is the get_data_loaders method, which returns the train and test data loaders for the current task. Since the train data loader must return both augmented and non-augmented data, we define a custom dataset called TrainCIFAR10 that returns both augmented and non-augmented data. We can define it as follows:
from PIL import Image
from torchvision.datasets import CIFAR10
class TrainCIFAR10(CIFAR10):
def __init__(self, root, train=True, transform=None, download=False):
super(MyCIFAR10, self).__init__(root, train, transform, target_transform, download=not self._check_integrity())
def __getitem__(self, index):
img, target =[index], self.targets[index]
img = Image.fromarray(img, mode='RGB')
return self.transform(img), target, transforms.ToTensor()(img)
The test data loader uses the standard CIFAR-10 dataset, as we don’t need non-augmented data for the test data loader.
Naming convention and automatical dataset registration#
The following steps are required to create a dataset following the legacy naming convention. A new and more flexible way to define datasets is available with the register_dataset decorator. See more in Registration of backbones and datasets.
These classes provide some useful methods to create data loaders and store masked data loaders for continual learning experiments. See more in the next section.
Create a new file in the datasets folder, e.g.
.Define a SINGLE new class that inherits from ContinualDataset or GCLDataset and implements all the required methods and attributes.
Define the get_data_loaders method, which returns a list of train and test data loaders for each task.
For convenience, most datasets are initially created with all classes and then masked appropriately by the store_masked_loaders function. For example, in Seq CIFAR-10 the get_data_loaders function of SequentialCIFAR10 dataset first inizializes the MyCIFAR10 and TCIFAR10 datasets with train and test data for all classes respectively, and then masks the data loaders to return only the data for the current task.
The train data loader must return both augmented and non-augmented data. This is done to allow the storage of raw data for replay-based methods (for more information, check out Rethinking Experience Replay: a Bag of Tricks for Continual Learning). The signature return for the train data loader is
(augmented_data, labels, non_augmented_data)
, while the test data loader should return(data, labels)
If all goes well, your dataset should be picked up by the get_dataset function and you should be able to run an experiment with it.
Additional methods for the dataset#
Some additional methods can be defined for the dataset to provide additional functionalities. These methods are necessary for some methods (e.g., clip) and can be useful for others:
get_prompt_templates (
): returns the prompt templates for the dataset. This method is expected for some methods (e.g., clip). By default, it returns the ImageNet prompt templates.get_class_names (
): returns the class names for the dataset. This method is not implemented by default, but is expected for some methods (e.g., clip). The method should populate the class_names attribute of the dataset to cache the result and call thefix_class_names_order
method to ensure that the class names are in the correct order.