Training, Validation, and Testing#

During each task, Mammoth trains on the current data until some stopping criterion is met. Currently, Mammoth supports 3 types of stopping criteria, which can be chosen using the --fitting_mode command line argument. The three types are epochs, iters, and early_stopping. The default is epochs.

Criterion by epochs (--fitting_mode=epochs)

This is the default option, for which training stops after a fixed number of epochs. The number of epochs can be set using the --n_epochs command line argument. Note that most datasets indicate the default number of epochs via the set_default_from_args decorator (see Datasets for more information).

Criterion by iterations (--fitting_mode=iters)

This option stops training after a fixed number of iterations. The number of iterations can be set using the --n_iters command line argument. In addition, a default value for each dataset can be set using the set_default_from_args decorator. For example, to set the default number of iterations to 1000 for a particular dataset you can use the following code, adding it to the dataset class definition:

def get_iters(self):
    return 1000

Early stopping (--fitting_mode=early_stopping)

This option is the most flexible, as it allows training to continue until a certain stopping criterion is met. The criterion can be based either on the loss function or on the accuracy by setting the --early_stopping_metric command line argument (default is by loss). The number of epochs to wait before stopping can be set using the --early_stopping_patience command line argument. The default value is 5.


The early stopping criterion is based on the chosen validation set (see next section).

In addition, the early stopping criterion supports the following options:

  • early_stopping_freq (default is 1): the frequency at which the early stopping criterion is checked. For example, if early_stopping_freq is set to 5, the criterion is checked every 5 epochs.

  • early_stopping_epsilon (default is 1e-6): the minimum improvement in the validation loss or accuracy that is considered significant. If the improvement is less than early_stopping_epsilon, the training stops.


During training, Mammoth uses a validation set to monitor the performance of the model. By default, the validation set is disabled, meaning that performance is monitored on the test set. This is done in line with most CL literature, which uses the test set for validation as it is not trivial to define a validation set for CL tasks. In particular, two options may be possible:

  1. The validation set includes data only of the current task: this is the most straightforward option, but has the disantvantage of producing a higher degree of forgetting on past tasks as the model’s objective ignores past data.

  2. The validation set includes data of all seen tasks: this option should produce a more balanced result, but conflicts with the CL setting, as the model should not have access to data from past tasks. However, since most CL works only focus on maximizing the accuracy on all tasks after having seen all of them, this option is the most common in the literature.

In Mammoth, the use of a validation set can be enabled by specifiying the percentage of the training set that is used as the validation set using the --validation command line argument. For example, to use 10% of the training set as the validation set, you can use the following command:

python --validation 10 <other arguments>

As for the choice of strategy to build the validation set, Mammoth supports both options described above using the --validation_mode command line argument. The default is current, meaning that the validation set includes only data of the current task. If you want to use a validation set that includes data of all seen tasks, you can set --validation_mode to complete.