
Mammoth datasets define a complete Continual Learning benchmark. This means that each dataset defines all the necessary information to run a continual learning experiment.

For more information on how to create a new dataset, see Steps to create a new dataset or SequentialCIFAR10 in Seq CIFAR-10 for a practical example.


Datasets are downloaded by default in the data folder. You can change this default location by using the --base_path argument.

Experimental settings#

Experimental settings follow and extend the notation of Three Scenarios for Continual Learning, and are defined in the SETTING attribute of each dataset. The following settings are available:

  • class-il: the total number of classes increases at each task, following the N_CLASSES_PER_TASK attribute.

    On task-il and class-il

    Using this setting metrics will be computed both for class-il and task-il. Metrics for task-il will be computed by masking the correct task for each sample during inference. This allows to compute metrics for both settings without having to run the experiment twice.

  • domain-il: the total number of classes is fixed, but the distribution of the input data changes at each task.

  • general-continual: the distribution of the classes change gradually over time, without notion of task boundaries. In this setting, the TASKS and N_CLASSES_PER_TASK attributes are ignored as there is only a single long tasks that changes over time.

  • cssl: this setting is the same as class-il, but with some of the labels missing due to limited supervision. This setting is used to simulate the case where a percentage of the labels is not available for training. For example, if --label_perc_by_task or --label_perc_by_class is set to 0.5, only 50% of the labels will be available for training. The remaining 50% will be masked with a label of -1 and ignored during training if the currently used method does not support partial labels (check out the COMPATIBILITY attribute in Models).

  • biased-class-il: similar to class-il, but with a biased distribution of the classes. This setting is derived from Learning without Shortcuts. Datasets that support this setting must have a bias_label attribute, to be used during evaluation.

Experiments on the joint setting

Mammoth datasets support the joint setting, which is a special case of the class-il setting where all the classes are available at each task. This is useful to compare the performance of a method on what is usually considered the upper bound for the class-il setting. To run an experiment on the joint setting, simply set the --joint to 1. This will automatically set the N_CLASSES_PER_TASK attribute to the total number of classes in the dataset and the TASKS attribute to 1.

Note that the joint setting is available only for the class-il (and task-il) setting. If you want to run an experiment on the joint setting for a dataset that follows the domain-il setting, you can use the Joint model (with --model=joint).

Evaluate on Future Tasks#

By default, the evaluation is done up to the current task. However, some models also support evaluation on future tasks (e.g., CGIL). In this case, you can set the --eval_future to 1 to evaluate the model on future tasks.


In order to be able to evaluate on future tasks, the method must extend the FutureModel class. Notably, this function includes the future_forward method, which performs inference on all classes, and the change_transform method, which allows to change the transform to be applied to the data during inference.

Default arguments and command line#

Besides get_epochs and get_batch_size, datasets can define default arguments that are used to set the default values for the command line arguments. This is done with the set_default_from_args decorator, which takes the name of the command line argument as input. For example, the following code sets the default value for the –label_perc_by_task argument:

def get_label_perc(self):
    return 0.5

Dataset configurations#

To allow for a more flexible configuration of the datasets, Mammoth supports the use of configuration files that can be used to set the values of the dataset attributes. This greatly simplifies the creation of new datasets, as it allows to separate the definition of a dataset (i.e., its data) from its configuration (number of tasks, transforms, etc.).

The configuration files are stored in datasets/configs/<dataset name>/<configuration name>.yaml and can be selected from the command line using the --dataset_config argument.

The configuration file may contain: - SETTING: the incremental setting of the dataset. This can be one of ‘class-il’, ‘domain-il’, ‘general-continual’, ‘cssl’, or ‘biased-class-il’. - N_CLASSES_PER_TASK: the number of classes per task. This can be a single integer or a list of integers (one for each task). - N_TASKS: the number of tasks. - SIZE: the size of the input data. - N_CLASSES: the total number of classes in the dataset. - AVAIL_SCHEDS: the available learning rate schedulers for the dataset. - TRANSFORM: the data augmentation transform to apply to the data during training. - TEST_TRANSFORM: the normalization transform to apply to the data during training. - MEAN, STD: the mean and standard deviation of the dataset, used for normalization. - any field specified by the set_default_from_args decorator in the dataset class (see more in section Default arguments and command line). This includes the backbone, batch_size, n_epochs, etc. - args: special field that allows to set the values of the default values for the command line arguments

The configuration file sets the default values for the dataset attributes and all values defined by the set_default_from_args decorator. The priority is as follows: command line arguments > default values set by the model > configuration file.