Upgrading to the new Mammoth#

The new Mammoth is almost a complete rewrite of the old Mammoth. The new Mammoth is faster, more efficient (thanks to the --code_optimization), more stable (thanks to tests), supports more validations strategies and settings, and includes more methods and datasets.


To upgrade your model to the new Mammoth, you need to take some care:

  • The Continual Model already supports widely used properties such as current_task, n_tasks, num_classes. Check the documentation in CONTINUAL MODEL for more information.

  • The get_parser has been moved inside the model. This is to make it easier to automatically load the arguments of a model in the case of automated parsing. This is easy to fix, just move the get_parser function inside the model class and make it a static method. NOTE: you do not need to add add_experiment_args and add_management_args to the get_parser function. These are automatically added.

  • The observe function should follow the new signature: def observe(inputs, labels, not_aug_inputs, epoch=None) -> dict|float. If a dict is returned, it should contain at least the loss key. All other values will be logged in WandB (if available).


The datasets had only some minor changes. Just ensure to defined for each dataset the following properties:

  • NAME: the name of the dataset. This will be used to load the dataset with –dataset=<NAME>.

  • SETTING: the setting supported by the dataset. See Datasets for more information.

  • N_CLASSES_PER_TASK: the number of classes per task. This can be either a single value or a list of values (one for each task).

  • N_TASKS: the number of tasks.

  • N_CLASSES: if missing, it will be computed from N_CLASSES_PER_TASK and N_TASKS.

  • SIZE: the size of each input dimension (i.e., height and width as a tuple for images).

  • MEAN and STD for normalization.

  • TRANSFORM: the train transform.

  • TEST_TRANSFORM: the test transform.

Take a look at SEQ CIFAR10 for more information on how to define a dataset.