First steps#

  1. Install the requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt.

  2. From the root directory, run python utils/ --help to see the available options.

See Utils for more information about the most useful arguments

Results and logs - WandB#

Mammoth logs all the results and metrics under the data/results directory (by default). You can change this directory by changing the base_path function in CONF.

  • The logs are organized in the following way: <setting>/<dataset>/<model>/logs.pyd.

  • Each line in the log file is a dictionary containing the arguments and results for a single run.


For advanced logging, including loss values, metrics, and hyperparameters, you can use WandB by providing both --wandb_project and --wandb_entity arguments. If you don’t want to use WandB, you can simply omit these arguments.


By default, all arguments, loss values, and metrics are logged. Thanks to the autolog_wandb (Models), all the variables created in the observe that contain loss or start with _wandb_ will be logged. Thus, in order to log all the separate loss values, you can simply add loss = loss + loss1 + loss2 to the observe function.

Metrics are logged on WandB both in a raw form, separated for each task and class. This allows further analysis (e.g., with the Mammoth Parseval). To differentiate between raw metrics logged on WandB and other aggregated metrics that may have been logged, all the raw metrics are prefixed with RESULTS_. This behavior can be changed by changing the prefix in the log_accs function in LOGGERS.


Mammoth includes a few tests to ensure that the code is working as expected for all available models and datasets. The tests are run using pytest and can be run using the following command:

pytest --verbose tests

The tests are quite long, as they evaluate most of the functionality of Mammoth. The estimated runtime is around 1 hour on a RTX 4080 GPU.


The tests require internet access to download the datasets and test the functionalities of the library.


Running the test_datasets test WILL delete and (attept to) re-download all datasets.