Source code for utils.status

# Copyright 2020-present, Pietro Buzzega, Matteo Boschini, Angelo Porrello, Davide Abati, Simone Calderara.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import sys
from datetime import datetime
from time import time
from typing import Union
import shutil

[docs] def padded_print(string: str, max_width: int, **kwargs) -> None: """ Prints a string with blank spaces to reach the max_width. Args: string: the string to print max_width: the maximum width of the string """ pad_len = max(0, max_width - len(string)) print(string + ' ' * pad_len, **kwargs)
[docs] class ProgressBar: def __init__(self, joint=False, verbose=True, update_every=1): """ Initializes a ProgressBar object. Args: joint: a boolean indicating whether the progress bar is for a joint task verbose: a boolean indicating whether to display the progress bar update_every: the number of iterations after which the progress bar is updated """ self.joint = joint self.update_every = update_every self.verbose = verbose self.old_time = None self.reset() assert self.update_every > 0
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the progress bar. """ if self.old_time is not None: max_width = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 20)).columns padded_print(f'\n\t- Took: {round(self.running_sum, 2)} s', max_width=max_width, file=sys.stderr, flush=True) self.old_time = time() self.running_sum = 0 self.current_task_iter = 0
[docs] def prog(self, current_epoch_iter: int, max_epoch_iter: int, epoch: Union[int, str], task_number: int, loss: float) -> None: """ Prints out the progress bar on the stderr file. Args: current_epoch_iter: the current iteration of the epoch max_epoch_iter: the maximum number of iteration for the task. If None, the progress bar is not printed. epoch: the epoch task_number: the task index loss: the current value of the loss function """ max_width = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 20)).columns if not self.verbose: if current_epoch_iter == 0: if self.joint: padded_print('[ {} ] Joint | epoch {}\n'.format("%m-%d | %H:%M"), epoch ), max_width=max_width, file=sys.stderr, end='', flush=True) else: padded_print('[ {} ] Task {} | epoch {}\n'.format("%m-%d | %H:%M"), task_number + 1 if isinstance(task_number, int) else task_number, epoch ), max_width=max_width, file=sys.stderr, end='', flush=True) else: return timediff = time() - self.old_time self.running_sum += timediff + 1e-8 # Print the progress bar every update_every iterations if (current_epoch_iter and current_epoch_iter % self.update_every == 0) or (max_epoch_iter is not None and current_epoch_iter == max_epoch_iter - 1): progress = min(float((current_epoch_iter + 1) / max_epoch_iter), 1) if max_epoch_iter else 0 progress_bar = ('█' * int(50 * progress)) + ('┈' * (50 - int(50 * progress))) if max_epoch_iter else '~N/A~' if self.joint: padded_print('\r[ {} ] Joint | epoch {} | iter {}: |{}| {} ep/h | loss: {} | Time: {} ms/it'.format("%m-%d | %H:%M"), epoch, self.current_task_iter + 1, progress_bar, round(3600 / (max_epoch_iter * timediff), 2) if max_epoch_iter else 'N/A', round(loss, 8), round(1000 * timediff / self.update_every, 2) ), max_width=max_width, file=sys.stderr, end='', flush=True) else: padded_print('\r[ {} ] Task {} | epoch {} | iter {}: |{}| {} ep/h | loss: {} | Time: {} ms/it'.format("%m-%d | %H:%M"), task_number + 1 if isinstance(task_number, int) else task_number, epoch, self.current_task_iter + 1, progress_bar, round(3600 / (max_epoch_iter * timediff), 2) if max_epoch_iter else 'N/A', round(loss, 8), round(1000 * timediff / self.update_every, 2) ), max_width=max_width, file=sys.stderr, end='', flush=True) self.current_task_iter += 1 self.old_time = time()
[docs] def progress_bar(i: int, max_iter: int, epoch: Union[int, str], task_number: int, loss: float) -> None: """ Prints out the progress bar on the stderr file. Args: i: the current iteration max_iter: the maximum number of iteration epoch: the epoch task_number: the task index loss: the current value of the loss function """ global static_bar if i == 0: static_bar = ProgressBar() static_bar.prog(i, max_iter, epoch, task_number, loss)