# Copyright 2022-present, Lorenzo Bonicelli, Pietro Buzzega, Matteo Boschini, Angelo Porrello, Simone Calderara.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from utils.augmentations import apply_transform
from utils.conf import create_seeded_dataloader, get_device
from models.utils.continual_model import ContinualModel
from datasets.utils.continual_dataset import ContinualDataset
from backbone import MammothBackbone
def icarl_replay(self: 'ContinualModel', dataset: 'ContinualDataset', val_set_split=0):
Merge the replay buffer with the current task data.
Optionally split the replay buffer into a validation set.
self: the model instance
dataset: the dataset
val_set_split: the fraction of the replay buffer to be used as validation set
if self.current_task > 0:
buff_val_mask = torch.rand(len(self.buffer)) < val_set_split
val_train_mask = torch.zeros(len(dataset.train_loader.dataset.data)).bool()
val_train_mask[torch.randperm(len(dataset.train_loader.dataset.data))[:buff_val_mask.sum()]] = True
if val_set_split > 0:
self.val_dataset = deepcopy(dataset.train_loader.dataset)
data_concatenate = torch.cat if isinstance(dataset.train_loader.dataset.data, torch.Tensor) else np.concatenate
need_aug = hasattr(dataset.train_loader.dataset, 'not_aug_transform')
if not need_aug:
def refold_transform(x): return x.cpu()
data_shape = len(dataset.train_loader.dataset.data[0].shape)
if data_shape == 3:
def refold_transform(x): return (x.cpu() * 255).permute([0, 2, 3, 1]).numpy().astype(np.uint8)
elif data_shape == 2:
def refold_transform(x): return (x.cpu() * 255).squeeze(1).type(torch.uint8)
dataset.train_loader.dataset.targets = np.concatenate([
dataset.train_loader.dataset.data = data_concatenate([
if val_set_split > 0:
self.val_dataset.targets = np.concatenate([
self.val_dataset.data = data_concatenate([
self.val_loader = create_seeded_dataloader(self.args, self.val_dataset, batch_size=self.args.batch_size, shuffle=True)
class BaseSampleSelection:
Base class for sample selection strategies.
def __init__(self, buffer_size: int, device):
Initialize the sample selection strategy.
buffer_size: the maximum buffer size
device: the device to store the buffer on
self.buffer_size = buffer_size
self.device = device
def __call__(self, num_seen_examples: int) -> int:
Selects the index of the sample to replace.
num_seen_examples: the number of seen examples
the index of the sample to replace
raise NotImplementedError
def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
(optional) Update the state of the sample selection strategy.
class ReservoirSampling(BaseSampleSelection):
def __call__(self, num_seen_examples: int) -> int:
Reservoir sampling algorithm.
num_seen_examples: the number of seen examples
buffer_size: the maximum buffer size
the target index if the current image is sampled, else -1
if num_seen_examples < self.buffer_size:
return num_seen_examples
rand = np.random.randint(0, num_seen_examples + 1)
if rand < self.buffer_size:
return rand
return -1
class BalancoirSampling(BaseSampleSelection):
def __init__(self, buffer_size: int, device):
super().__init__(buffer_size, device)
self.unique_map = np.empty((0,), dtype=np.int32)
def update_unique_map(self, label_in, label_out=None):
while len(self.unique_map) <= label_in:
self.unique_map = np.concatenate((self.unique_map, np.zeros((len(self.unique_map) * 2 + 1), dtype=np.int32)), axis=0)
self.unique_map[label_in] += 1
if label_out is not None:
self.unique_map[label_out] -= 1
def __call__(self, num_seen_examples: int, labels: torch.Tensor, proposed_class: int) -> int:
Balancoir sampling algorithm.
num_seen_examples: the number of seen examples
buffer_size: the maximum buffer size
labels: the set of buffer labels
proposed_class: the class of the current example
the target index if the current image is sampled, else -1
if num_seen_examples < self.buffer_size:
return num_seen_examples
rand = np.random.randint(0, num_seen_examples + 1)
if rand < self.buffer_size or len(self.unique_map) <= proposed_class or self.unique_map[proposed_class] < np.median(
self.unique_map[self.unique_map > 0]):
target_class = np.argmax(self.unique_map)
# e = rand % self.unique_map.max()
idx = np.arange(self.buffer_size)[labels.cpu() == target_class][rand % self.unique_map.max()]
return idx
return -1
class LossAwareBalancedSampling(BaseSampleSelection):
Combination of Loss-Aware Sampling (LARS) and Balanced Reservoir Sampling (BRS) from `Rethinking Experience Replay: a Bag of Tricks for Continual Learning`.
def __init__(self, buffer_size: int, device):
super().__init__(buffer_size, device)
# lossoir scores
self.importance_scores = torch.ones(buffer_size, device=device) * -float('inf')
# balancoir scores
self.balance_scores = torch.ones(self.buffer_size, dtype=torch.float).to(self.device) * -float('inf')
# merged scores
self.scores = torch.ones(self.buffer_size).to(self.device) * -float('inf')
def update(self, indexes: torch.Tensor, values: torch.Tensor):
self.importance_scores[indexes] = values
def merge_scores(self):
scaling_factor = self.importance_scores.abs().mean() * self.balance_scores.abs().mean()
norm_importance = self.importance_scores / scaling_factor
presoftscores = 0.5 * norm_importance + 0.5 * self.balance_scores
if presoftscores.max() - presoftscores.min() != 0:
presoftscores = (presoftscores - presoftscores.min()) / (presoftscores.max() - presoftscores.min() + 1e-9)
self.scores = presoftscores / presoftscores.sum()
def update_balancoir_scores(self, labels: torch.Tensor):
unique_labels, orig_inputs_idxs, counts = labels.unique(return_counts=True, return_inverse=True)
# assert len(counts) > unique_labels.max(), "Some classes are missing from the buffer"
self.balance_scores = torch.gather(counts, 0, orig_inputs_idxs).float()
def __call__(self, num_seen_examples: int, labels: torch.Tensor) -> int:
if num_seen_examples < self.buffer_size:
return num_seen_examples
rn = np.random.randint(0, num_seen_examples)
if rn < self.buffer_size:
index = np.random.choice(range(self.buffer_size), p=self.scores.cpu().numpy(), size=1)
return index
return -1
class ABSSampling(LARSSampling):
def __init__(self, buffer_size: int, device: str, dataset: 'ContinualDataset'):
super().__init__(buffer_size, device)
self.dataset = dataset
def scale_scores(self, past_indexes: torch.Tensor):
# due normalizzazioni divere per i due gruppi
past_importance = self.normalize_scores(self.importance_scores[past_indexes])
current_importance = self.normalize_scores(self.importance_scores[~past_indexes])
current_scores, past_scores = None, None
if past_importance is not None:
past_importance = 1 - past_importance
past_scores = past_importance / past_importance.sum()
if current_importance is not None:
if current_importance.sum() == 0:
current_importance += 1e-9
current_scores = current_importance / current_importance.sum()
return past_scores, current_scores
def __call__(self, num_seen_examples: int, labels: torch.Tensor) -> int:
n_seen_classes, _ = self.dataset.get_offsets()
if num_seen_examples < self.buffer_size:
return num_seen_examples
rn = np.random.randint(0, num_seen_examples)
if rn < self.buffer_size:
past_indexes = labels < n_seen_classes
past_scores, current_scores = self.scale_scores(past_indexes)
past_percentage = np.float64(past_indexes.sum().cpu() / self.buffer_size) # avoid numerical issues
pres_percetage = 1 - past_percentage
assert past_percentage + pres_percetage == 1, f"The sum of the percentages must be 1 but found {past_percentage+pres_percetage}: {past_percentage} + {pres_percetage}"
rp = np.random.choice((0, 1), p=[past_percentage, pres_percetage])
if not rp:
index = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.buffer_size)[past_indexes.cpu().numpy()], p=past_scores.cpu().numpy(), size=1)
index = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.buffer_size)[~past_indexes.cpu().numpy()], p=current_scores.cpu().numpy(), size=1)
return index
return -1
class Buffer:
The memory buffer of rehearsal method.
buffer_size: int # the maximum size of the buffer
device: str # the device to store the buffer on
num_seen_examples: int # the total number of examples seen, used for reservoir
attributes: List[str] # the attributes stored in the buffer
attention_maps: List[torch.Tensor] # (optional) attention maps used by TwF
sample_selection_strategy: str # the sample selection strategy used to select samples to replace. By default, 'reservoir'
examples: torch.Tensor # (mandatory) buffer attribute: the tensor of images
labels: torch.Tensor # (optional) buffer attribute: the tensor of labels
logits: torch.Tensor # (optional) buffer attribute: the tensor of logits
task_labels: torch.Tensor # (optional) buffer attribute: the tensor of task labels
true_labels: torch.Tensor # (optional) buffer attribute: the tensor of true labels
def __init__(self, buffer_size: int, device="cpu", sample_selection_strategy='reservoir', **kwargs):
Initialize a reservoir-based Buffer object.
Supports storing images, labels, logits, task_labels, and attention maps. This can be extended by adding more attributes to the `attributes` list and updating the `init_tensors` method accordingly.
To select samples to replace, the buffer supports:
- `reservoir` sampling: randomly selects samples to replace (default). Ref: "Jeffrey S Vitter. Random sampling with a reservoir."
- `lars`: prioritizes retaining samples with the *higher* loss. Ref: "Pietro Buzzega et al. Rethinking Experience Replay: a Bag of Tricks for Continual Learning."
- `labrs` (Loss-Aware Balanced Reservoir Sampling): combination of LARS and BRS. Ref: "Pietro Buzzega et al. Rethinking Experience Replay: a Bag of Tricks for Continual Learning."
- `abs` (Asymmetric Balanced Sampling): for samples from the current task, prioritizes retaining samples with the *lower* loss (i.e., inverse `lossoir`); for samples from previous tasks, prioritizes retaining samples with the *higher* loss (i.e., `lossoir`). Useful for settings with noisy labels. Ref: "Monica Millunzi et al. May the Forgetting Be with You: Alternate Replay for Learning with Noisy Labels".
buffer_size (int): The maximum size of the buffer.
device (str, optional): The device to store the buffer on. Defaults to "cpu".
sample_selection_strategy: The sample selection strategy. Defaults to 'reservoir'. Options: 'reservoir', 'lars', 'labrs', 'abs', 'balancoir'.
If during the `get_data` the transform is PIL, data will be moved to cpu and then back to the device. This is why the device is set to cpu by default.
self._buffer_size = buffer_size
self.device = device
self.num_seen_examples = 0
self.attributes = ['examples', 'labels', 'logits', 'task_labels', 'true_labels']
self.attention_maps = [None] * buffer_size
self.sample_selection_strategy = sample_selection_strategy
assert sample_selection_strategy.lower() in ['reservoir', 'lars', 'labrs', 'abs', 'balancoir', 'unlimited'], f"Invalid sample selection strategy: {sample_selection_strategy}"
if sample_selection_strategy.lower() == 'abs':
assert 'dataset' in kwargs, "The dataset is required for ABS sample selection"
self.sample_selection_fn = ABSSampling(buffer_size, device, kwargs['dataset'])
elif sample_selection_strategy.lower() == 'lars':
self.sample_selection_fn = LARSSampling(buffer_size, device)
elif sample_selection_strategy.lower() == 'labrs':
self.sample_selection_fn = LossAwareBalancedSampling(buffer_size, device)
elif sample_selection_strategy.lower() == 'unlimited':
self.sample_selection_fn = lambda x: x
self._buffer_size = 10 # initial buffer size, will be expanded if needed
elif sample_selection_strategy.lower() == 'balancoir':
self.sample_selection_fn = BalancoirSampling(buffer_size, device)
self.sample_selection_fn = ReservoirSampling(buffer_size, device)
def serialize(self, out_device='cpu'):
Serialize the buffer.
A dictionary containing the buffer attributes.
return {attr_str: getattr(self, attr_str).to(out_device) for attr_str in self.attributes if hasattr(self, attr_str)}
def to(self, device):
Move the buffer and its attributes to the specified device.
device: The device to move the buffer and its attributes to.
The buffer instance with the updated device and attributes.
self.device = device
self.sample_selection_fn.device = device
for attr_str in self.attributes:
if hasattr(self, attr_str):
setattr(self, attr_str, getattr(self, attr_str).to(device))
return self
def __len__(self):
Returns the number items in the buffer.
if self.sample_selection_strategy == 'unlimited':
return self.num_seen_examples
return min(self.num_seen_examples, self.buffer_size)
def init_tensors(self, examples: torch.Tensor, labels: torch.Tensor,
logits: torch.Tensor, task_labels: torch.Tensor,
true_labels: torch.Tensor) -> None:
Initializes just the required tensors.
examples: tensor containing the images
labels: tensor containing the labels
logits: tensor containing the outputs of the network
task_labels: tensor containing the task labels
true_labels: tensor containing the true labels (used only for logging)
for attr_str in self.attributes:
attr = eval(attr_str)
if attr is not None and not hasattr(self, attr_str): # create tensor if not already present
typ = torch.int64 if attr_str.endswith('els') else torch.float32
setattr(self, attr_str, torch.zeros((self._buffer_size,
*attr.shape[1:]), dtype=typ, device=self.device))
elif hasattr(self, attr_str): # if tensor already exists, update it and possibly resize it according to the buffer_size
if self.num_seen_examples < self._buffer_size: # if the buffer is full, extend the tensor
old_tensor = getattr(self, attr_str)
pad = torch.zeros((self._buffer_size - old_tensor.shape[0], *attr.shape[1:]), dtype=old_tensor.dtype, device=self.device)
setattr(self, attr_str, torch.cat([old_tensor, pad], dim=0))
def buffer_size(self):
Returns the buffer size.
if self.sample_selection_strategy == 'unlimited':
# return max int if unlimited
return int(1e9)
return self._buffer_size
def buffer_size(self, value):
Sets the buffer size.
if self.sample_selection_strategy != 'unlimited':
self._buffer_size = value
def used_attributes(self):
Returns a list of attributes that are currently being used by the object.
return [attr_str for attr_str in self.attributes if hasattr(self, attr_str)]
def add_data(self, examples, labels=None, logits=None, task_labels=None, attention_maps=None, true_labels=None, sample_selection_scores=None):
Adds the data to the memory buffer according to the reservoir strategy.
examples: tensor containing the images
labels: tensor containing the labels
logits: tensor containing the outputs of the network
task_labels: tensor containing the task labels
attention_maps: list of tensors containing the attention maps
true_labels: if setting is noisy, the true labels associated with the examples. **Used only for logging.**
sample_selection_scores: tensor containing the scores used for the sample selection strategy. NOTE: this is only used if the sample selection strategy defines the `update` method.
Only the examples are required. The other tensors are initialized only if they are provided.
if not hasattr(self, 'examples'):
self.init_tensors(examples, labels, logits, task_labels, true_labels)
for i in range(examples.shape[0]):
if self.sample_selection_strategy == 'abs' or self.sample_selection_strategy == 'labrs':
index = self.sample_selection_fn(self.num_seen_examples, labels=self.labels)
elif self.sample_selection_strategy == 'balancoir':
index = self.sample_selection_fn(self.num_seen_examples, labels=self.labels, proposed_class=labels[i])
index = self.sample_selection_fn(self.num_seen_examples)
self.num_seen_examples += 1
if index >= 0:
if self.sample_selection_strategy == 'unlimited' and self.num_seen_examples > self._buffer_size:
self._buffer_size *= 2
self.init_tensors(examples, labels, logits, task_labels, true_labels)
if self.sample_selection_strategy == 'balancoir':
self.sample_selection_fn.update_unique_map(labels[i], self.labels[index] if index < self.num_seen_examples else None)
self.examples[index] = examples[i].to(self.device)
if labels is not None:
self.labels[index] = labels[i].to(self.device)
if logits is not None:
self.logits[index] = logits[i].to(self.device)
if task_labels is not None:
self.task_labels[index] = task_labels[i].to(self.device)
if attention_maps is not None:
self.attention_maps[index] = [at[i].byte().to(self.device) for at in attention_maps]
if sample_selection_scores is not None:
self.sample_selection_fn.update(index, sample_selection_scores[i])
if true_labels is not None:
self.true_labels[index] = true_labels[i].to(self.device)
def get_data(self, size: int, transform: nn.Module = None, return_index=False, device=None,
mask_task_out=None, cpt=None, return_not_aug=False, not_aug_transform=None) -> Tuple:
Random samples a batch of size items.
size: the number of requested items
transform: the transformation to be applied (data augmentation)
return_index: if True, returns the indexes of the sampled items
mask_task: if not None, masks OUT the examples from the given task
cpt: the number of classes per task (required if mask_task is not None and task_labels are not present)
return_not_aug: if True, also returns the not augmented items
not_aug_transform: the transformation to be applied to the not augmented items (if `return_not_aug` is True)
a tuple containing the requested items. If return_index is True, the tuple contains the indexes as first element.
target_device = self.device if device is None else device
if mask_task_out is not None:
assert hasattr(self, 'task_labels') or cpt is not None
assert hasattr(self, 'task_labels') or hasattr(self, 'labels')
samples_mask = (self.task_labels != mask_task_out) if hasattr(self, 'task_labels') else self.labels // cpt != mask_task_out
num_avail_samples = self.examples.shape[0] if mask_task_out is None else samples_mask.sum().item()
num_avail_samples = min(self.num_seen_examples, num_avail_samples)
if size > min(num_avail_samples, self.examples.shape[0]):
size = min(num_avail_samples, self.examples.shape[0])
choice = np.random.choice(num_avail_samples, size=size, replace=False)
if transform is None:
def transform(x): return x
selected_samples = self.examples[choice] if mask_task_out is None else self.examples[samples_mask][choice]
if return_not_aug:
if not_aug_transform is None:
def not_aug_transform(x): return x
ret_tuple = (apply_transform(selected_samples, transform=not_aug_transform).to(target_device),)
ret_tuple = tuple()
ret_tuple += (apply_transform(selected_samples, transform=transform).to(target_device),)
for attr_str in self.attributes[1:]:
if hasattr(self, attr_str):
attr = getattr(self, attr_str)
selected_attr = attr[choice] if mask_task_out is None else attr[samples_mask][choice]
ret_tuple += (selected_attr.to(target_device),)
if not return_index:
return ret_tuple
return (torch.tensor(choice).to(target_device), ) + ret_tuple
def get_balanced_data(self, size: int, transform=None, n_classes=-1) -> Tuple:
Random samples a batch of size items only from n_classes, balancing the samples per class.
size: the number of requested items
transform: the transformation to be applied (data augmentation)
n_classes: the number of classes to sample from
a tuple containing the requested items.
if size > min(self.num_seen_examples, self.examples.shape[0]):
size = min(self.num_seen_examples, self.examples.shape[0])
tot_classes, class_counts = torch.unique(self.labels[:self.num_seen_examples], return_counts=True)
if n_classes == -1:
n_classes = len(tot_classes)
finished = False
selected = tot_classes
while not finished:
n_classes = min(n_classes, len(selected))
size_per_class = torch.full([n_classes], size // n_classes)
size_per_class[:size % n_classes] += 1
selected = tot_classes[class_counts >= size_per_class[0]]
if n_classes <= len(selected):
finished = True
if len(selected) == 0:
print('WARNING: no class has enough examples')
return self.get_data(size, transform=transform)
selected = selected[torch.randperm(len(selected))[:n_classes]]
choice = []
for i, id_class in enumerate(selected):
choice += np.random.choice(torch.where(self.labels[:self.num_seen_examples] == id_class)[0].cpu(),
choice = np.array(choice)
if transform is None:
def transform(x): return x
# ret_tuple = (torch.stack([transform(ee.cpu()) for ee in self.examples[choice]]).to(self.device),)
ret_tuple = (apply_transform(self.examples[choice], transform=transform).to(self.device),)
for attr_str in self.attributes[1:]:
if hasattr(self, attr_str):
attr = getattr(self, attr_str)
ret_tuple += (attr[choice],)
return ret_tuple
def get_data_by_index(self, indexes, transform: nn.Module = None, device=None) -> Tuple:
Returns the data by the given index.
index: the index of the item
transform: the transformation to be applied (data augmentation)
a tuple containing the requested items. The returned items depend on the attributes stored in the buffer from previous calls to `add_data`.
target_device = self.device if device is None else device
if transform is None:
def transform(x): return x
ret_tuple = (apply_transform(self.examples[indexes], transform=transform).to(target_device),)
for attr_str in self.attributes[1:]:
if hasattr(self, attr_str):
attr = getattr(self, attr_str).to(target_device)
ret_tuple += (attr[indexes],)
return ret_tuple
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
Returns true if the buffer is empty, false otherwise.
if self.num_seen_examples == 0:
return True
return False
def get_all_data(self, transform: nn.Module = None, device=None) -> Tuple:
Return all the items in the memory buffer.
transform: the transformation to be applied (data augmentation)
a tuple with all the items in the memory buffer
target_device = self.device if device is None else device
if transform is None:
ret_tuple = (self.examples[:len(self)].to(target_device),)
ret_tuple = (apply_transform(self.examples[:len(self)], transform=transform).to(target_device),)
for attr_str in self.attributes[1:]:
if hasattr(self, attr_str):
attr = getattr(self, attr_str)[:len(self)].to(target_device)
ret_tuple += (attr,)
return ret_tuple
def empty(self) -> None:
Set all the tensors to None.
for attr_str in self.attributes:
if hasattr(self, attr_str):
delattr(self, attr_str)
self.num_seen_examples = 0
def fill_buffer(buffer: Buffer, dataset: 'ContinualDataset', t_idx: int, net: 'MammothBackbone' = None, use_herding=False,
required_attributes: List[str] = None, normalize_features=False, extend_equalize_buffer=False) -> None:
Adds examples from the current task to the memory buffer.
Supports images, labels, task_labels, and logits.
buffer: the memory buffer
dataset: the dataset from which take the examples
t_idx: the task index
net: (optional) the model instance. Used if logits are in buffer. If provided, adds logits.
use_herding: (optional) if True, uses herding strategy. Otherwise, random sampling.
required_attributes: (optional) the attributes to be added to the buffer. If None and buffer is empty, adds only examples and labels.
normalize_features: (optional) if True, normalizes the features before adding them to the buffer
extend_equalize_buffer: (optional) if True, extends the buffer to equalize the number of samples per class for all classes, even if that means exceeding the buffer size defined at initialization
if net is not None:
mode = net.training
assert not use_herding, "Herding strategy requires a model instance"
device = net.device if net is not None else get_device()
n_seen_classes = dataset.N_CLASSES_PER_TASK * (t_idx + 1) if isinstance(dataset.N_CLASSES_PER_TASK, int) else \
sum(dataset.N_CLASSES_PER_TASK[:t_idx + 1])
n_past_classes = dataset.N_CLASSES_PER_TASK * t_idx if isinstance(dataset.N_CLASSES_PER_TASK, int) else \
mask = dataset.train_loader.dataset.targets >= n_past_classes
dataset.train_loader.dataset.targets = dataset.train_loader.dataset.targets[mask]
dataset.train_loader.dataset.data = dataset.train_loader.dataset.data[mask]
buffer.buffer_size = dataset.args.buffer_size # reset initial buffer size
if extend_equalize_buffer:
samples_per_class = np.ceil(buffer.buffer_size / n_seen_classes).astype(int)
new_bufsize = int(n_seen_classes * samples_per_class)
if new_bufsize != buffer.buffer_size:
print('Buffer size has bee changed to:', new_bufsize)
buffer.buffer_size = new_bufsize
samples_per_class = buffer.buffer_size // n_seen_classes
# Check for requirs attributes
required_attributes = required_attributes or ['examples', 'labels']
assert all([attr in buffer.used_attributes for attr in required_attributes]) or len(buffer) == 0, \
"Required attributes not in buffer: {}".format([attr for attr in required_attributes if attr not in buffer.used_attributes])
if t_idx > 0:
# 1) First, subsample prior classes
buf_data = buffer.get_all_data()
buf_y = buf_data[1]
for _y in buf_y.unique():
idx = (buf_y == _y)
_buf_data_idx = {attr_name: _d[idx][:samples_per_class] for attr_name, _d in zip(required_attributes, buf_data)}
# 2) Then, fill with current tasks
loader = dataset.train_loader
norm_trans = dataset.get_normalization_transform()
if norm_trans is None:
def norm_trans(x): return x
if 'logits' in buffer.used_attributes:
assert net is not None, "Logits in buffer require a model instance"
# 2.1 Extract all features
a_x, a_y, a_f, a_l = [], [], [], []
for data in loader:
x, y, not_norm_x = data[0], data[1], data[2]
if not x.size(0):
if net is not None:
feats = net(norm_trans(not_norm_x.to(device)), returnt='features')
outs = net.classifier(feats)
if normalize_features:
feats = feats / feats.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True)
a_x, a_y = torch.cat(a_x), torch.cat(a_y)
if net is not None:
a_f, a_l = torch.cat(a_f), torch.cat(a_l)
# 2.2 Compute class means
for _y in a_y.unique():
idx = (a_y == _y)
_x, _y = a_x[idx], a_y[idx]
if use_herding:
_l = a_l[idx]
feats = a_f[idx]
mean_feat = feats.mean(0, keepdim=True)
running_sum = torch.zeros_like(mean_feat)
i = 0
while i < samples_per_class and i < feats.shape[0]:
cost = (mean_feat - (feats + running_sum) / (i + 1)).norm(2, 1)
idx_min = cost.argmin().item()
examples=_x[idx_min:idx_min + 1].to(device),
labels=_y[idx_min:idx_min + 1].to(device),
logits=_l[idx_min:idx_min + 1].to(device) if 'logits' in required_attributes else None,
task_labels=torch.ones(len(_x[idx_min:idx_min + 1])).to(device) * t_idx if 'task_labels' in required_attributes else None
running_sum += feats[idx_min:idx_min + 1]
feats[idx_min] = feats[idx_min] + 1e6
i += 1
idx = torch.randperm(len(_x))[:samples_per_class]
logits=_l[idx].to(device) if 'logits' in required_attributes else None,
task_labels=torch.ones(len(_x[idx])).to(device) * t_idx if 'task_labels' in required_attributes else None
assert len(buffer.examples) <= buffer.buffer_size, f"buffer overflowed its maximum size: {len(buffer)} > {buffer.buffer_size}"
assert buffer.num_seen_examples <= buffer.buffer_size, f"buffer has been overfilled, there is probably an error: {buffer.num_seen_examples} > {buffer.buffer_size}"
if net is not None: