# Copyright 2020-present, Pietro Buzzega, Matteo Boschini, Angelo Porrello, Davide Abati, Simone Calderara.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from utils import binary_to_boolean_type
from utils.spkdloss import SPKDLoss
from datasets import get_dataset
from torch.nn import functional as F
from utils.args import *
import torch
from models.utils.continual_model import ContinualModel
from utils.augmentations import *
from utils.batch_norm import bn_track_stats
from utils.simclrloss import SupConLoss
class XDer(ContinualModel):
"""Continual learning via eXtended Dark Experience Replay."""
NAME = 'xder'
COMPATIBILITY = ['class-il', 'domain-il', 'task-il', 'general-continual']
def get_parser(parser) -> ArgumentParser:
parser.add_argument('--alpha', type=float, required=True, help='Penalty weight.')
parser.add_argument('--beta', type=float, required=True, help='Penalty weight.')
parser.add_argument('--simclr_temp', type=float, default=5, help='Temperature for SimCLR loss')
parser.add_argument('--gamma', type=float, default=0.85, help='Weight for logit update') # log_update_weight
parser.add_argument('--simclr_batch_size', type=int, default=64, help='Batch size for SimCLR loss')
parser.add_argument('--simclr_num_aug', type=int, default=4, help='Number of augmentations for SimCLR loss')
parser.add_argument('--lambd', type=float, default=0.05, help='Weight for consistency loss') # simclr_weight
parser.add_argument('--constr_eta', type=float, default=0.1, help='Regularization weight for past/future constraints') # constr_weight
parser.add_argument('--constr_margin', type=float, default=0.3, help='Margin for past/future constraints')
parser.add_argument('--dp_weight', type=float, default=0, help='Weight for distance preserving loss')
parser.add_argument('--past_constraint', type=binary_to_boolean_type, default=0, help='Enable past constraint')
parser.add_argument('--future_constraint', type=binary_to_boolean_type, default=1, help='Enable future constraint')
parser.add_argument('--align_bn', type=binary_to_boolean_type, default=1, help='Use BatchNorm alignment')
return parser
def __init__(self, backbone, loss, args, transform, dataset=None):
super().__init__(backbone, loss, args, transform, dataset=dataset)
from utils.buffer import Buffer
self.buffer = Buffer(self.args.buffer_size)
self.update_counter = torch.zeros(self.args.buffer_size)
denorm = self.dataset.get_denormalization_transform()
self.dataset_mean, self.dataset_std = denorm.mean, denorm.std
self.dataset_shape = self.dataset.SIZE
self.gpu_augmentation = strong_aug(self.dataset_shape, self.dataset_mean, self.dataset_std)
self.simclr_lss = SupConLoss(temperature=self.args.simclr_temp, base_temperature=self.args.simclr_temp, reduction='sum')
self.spkdloss = SPKDLoss('batchmean')
def end_task(self, dataset):
tng = self.training
# fdr reduce coreset
if self.current_task > 0:
examples_per_class = self.args.buffer_size // ((self.current_task + 1) * self.cpt)
buf_x, buf_lab, buf_log, buf_tl = self.buffer.get_all_data()
for tl in buf_lab.unique():
idx = tl == buf_lab
ex, lab, log, tasklab = buf_x[idx], buf_lab[idx], buf_log[idx], buf_tl[idx]
first = min(ex.shape[0], examples_per_class)
# fdr add new task
examples_last_task = self.buffer.buffer_size - self.buffer.num_seen_examples
examples_per_class = examples_last_task // self.cpt
ce = torch.tensor([examples_per_class] * self.cpt).int()
ce[torch.randperm(self.cpt)[:examples_last_task - (examples_per_class * self.cpt)]] += 1
with torch.no_grad():
with bn_track_stats(self, False):
for data in dataset.train_loader:
inputs, labels, not_aug_inputs = data[0], data[1], data[2]
inputs = inputs.to(self.device)
not_aug_inputs = not_aug_inputs.to(self.device)
outputs = self.net(inputs)
if all(ce == 0):
# update past
if self.current_task > 0:
outputs = self.update_logits(outputs, outputs, labels, 0, self.current_task)
flags = torch.zeros(len(inputs)).bool()
for j in range(len(flags)):
if ce[labels[j] % self.cpt] > 0:
flags[j] = True
ce[labels[j] % self.cpt] -= 1
task_labels=(torch.ones(self.args.batch_size) * self.current_task)[flags])
# update future past
buf_idx, buf_inputs, buf_labels, buf_logits, _ = self.buffer.get_data(self.buffer.buffer_size,
transform=self.transform, return_index=True, device=self.device)
buf_outputs = []
while len(buf_inputs):
buf_inputs = buf_inputs[self.args.batch_size:]
buf_outputs = torch.cat(buf_outputs)
chosen = ((buf_labels // self.cpt) < self.current_task).to(self.buffer.device)
if chosen.any():
to_transplant = self.update_logits(buf_logits[chosen], buf_outputs[chosen], buf_labels[chosen], self.current_task, self.n_tasks - self.current_task)
self.buffer.logits[buf_idx[chosen], :] = to_transplant.to(self.buffer.device)
self.buffer.task_labels[buf_idx[chosen]] = self.current_task
self.update_counter = torch.zeros(self.args.buffer_size)
def update_logits(self, old, new, gt, task_start, n_tasks=1):
transplant = new[:, task_start * self.cpt:(task_start + n_tasks) * self.cpt]
gt_values = old[torch.arange(len(gt)), gt]
max_values = transplant.max(1).values
coeff = self.args.gamma * gt_values / max_values
coeff = coeff.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, self.cpt * n_tasks)
mask = (max_values > gt_values).unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, self.cpt * n_tasks)
transplant[mask] *= coeff[mask]
old[:, task_start * self.cpt:(task_start + n_tasks) * self.cpt] = transplant
return old
def observe(self, inputs, labels, not_aug_inputs, epoch=None):
with bn_track_stats(self, not self.args.align_bn or self.current_task == 0):
outputs = self.net(inputs)
# Present head
loss_stream = self.loss(outputs[:, self.n_past_classes:self.n_seen_classes], labels - self.n_past_classes)
loss_der, loss_derpp = torch.tensor(0.), torch.tensor(0.)
if not self.buffer.is_empty():
# Distillation Replay Loss (all heads)
buf_idx1, buf_inputs1, buf_labels1, buf_logits1, buf_tl1 = self.buffer.get_data(
self.args.minibatch_size, transform=self.transform, return_index=True, device=self.device)
if self.args.align_bn:
buf_inputs1 = torch.cat([buf_inputs1, inputs[:self.args.minibatch_size // self.current_task]])
buf_outputs1 = self.net(buf_inputs1)
if self.args.align_bn:
buf_inputs1 = buf_inputs1[:self.args.minibatch_size]
buf_outputs1 = buf_outputs1[:self.args.minibatch_size]
mse = F.mse_loss(buf_outputs1, buf_logits1, reduction='none')
loss_der = self.args.alpha * mse.mean()
# Label Replay Loss (past heads)
buf_idx2, buf_inputs2, buf_labels2, buf_logits2, buf_tl2 = self.buffer.get_data(
self.args.minibatch_size, transform=self.transform, return_index=True, device=self.device)
with bn_track_stats(self, not self.args.align_bn):
buf_outputs2 = self.net(buf_inputs2)
buf_ce = self.loss(buf_outputs2[:, :self.n_past_classes], buf_labels2)
loss_derpp = self.args.beta * buf_ce
# Merge Batches & Remove Duplicates
buf_idx = torch.cat([buf_idx1, buf_idx2])
buf_inputs = torch.cat([buf_inputs1, buf_inputs2])
buf_labels = torch.cat([buf_labels1, buf_labels2])
buf_logits = torch.cat([buf_logits1, buf_logits2])
buf_outputs = torch.cat([buf_outputs1, buf_outputs2])
buf_tl = torch.cat([buf_tl1, buf_tl2])
# remove dupulicates
eyey = torch.eye(self.buffer.buffer_size).to(buf_idx.device)[buf_idx]
umask = (eyey * eyey.cumsum(0)).sum(1) < 2
buf_idx = buf_idx[umask].to(self.buffer.device)
buf_inputs = buf_inputs[umask]
buf_labels = buf_labels[umask]
buf_logits = buf_logits[umask]
buf_outputs = buf_outputs[umask]
buf_tl = buf_tl[umask]
# Update Future Past Logits
with torch.no_grad():
chosen = ((buf_labels // self.cpt) < self.current_task).to(self.buffer.device)
c = chosen.clone()
self.update_counter[buf_idx[chosen]] += 1
chosen[c] = torch.rand_like(chosen[c].float()) * self.update_counter[buf_idx[c]] < 1
if chosen.any():
assert self.current_task > 0
to_transplant = self.update_logits(buf_logits[chosen], buf_outputs[chosen], buf_labels[chosen], self.current_task, self.n_tasks - self.current_task)
self.buffer.logits[buf_idx[chosen], :] = to_transplant.to(self.buffer.device)
self.buffer.task_labels[buf_idx[chosen]] = self.current_task
# Consistency Loss (future heads)
loss_cons, loss_dp = torch.tensor(0.), torch.tensor(0.)
loss_constr_futu = torch.tensor(0.)
if self.current_task < self.n_tasks - 1:
scl_labels = labels # [:self.args.simclr_batch_size]
scl_na_inputs = not_aug_inputs # [:self.args.simclr_batch_size]
if not self.buffer.is_empty():
buf_idxscl, buf_na_inputsscl, buf_labelsscl, buf_logitsscl, _ = self.buffer.get_data(self.args.simclr_batch_size,
transform=None, return_index=True, device=self.device)
scl_na_inputs = torch.cat([buf_na_inputsscl, scl_na_inputs])
scl_labels = torch.cat([buf_labelsscl, scl_labels])
with torch.no_grad():
scl_inputs = self.gpu_augmentation(scl_na_inputs.repeat_interleave(self.args.simclr_num_aug, 0)).to(self.device)
with bn_track_stats(self, not self.args.align_bn):
scl_outputs = self.net(scl_inputs)
scl_featuresFull = scl_outputs.reshape(-1, self.args.simclr_num_aug, scl_outputs.shape[-1])
scl_features = scl_featuresFull[:, :, (self.current_task + 1) * self.cpt:]
scl_n_heads = self.n_tasks - self.current_task - 1
scl_features = torch.stack(scl_features.split(self.cpt, 2), 1)
loss_cons = torch.stack([self.simclr_lss(features=F.normalize(scl_features[:, h], dim=2), labels=scl_labels) for h in range(scl_n_heads)]).sum()
loss_cons /= scl_n_heads * scl_features.shape[0]
loss_cons *= self.args.lambd
# DP loss
if self.args.dp_weight > 0 and not self.buffer.is_empty():
dp_features = scl_featuresFull[:len(buf_logitsscl), :, (self.current_task + 1) * self.cpt:]
dp_logits = buf_logitsscl[:, (self.current_task + 1) * self.cpt:]
dp_features = torch.stack(dp_features.split(self.cpt, 2), 1)
dp_logits = torch.stack(dp_logits.split(self.cpt, 1), 1)
loss_dp = self.args.dp_weight * torch.mean(torch.stack(
[self.spkdloss(dp_features[:, i, k, :], dp_logits[:, i, :]) for i in range(self.n_tasks - self.current_task - 1) for k in range(self.args.simclr_num_aug)]
# Future Logits Constraint
if self.args.future_constraint:
bad_head = outputs[:, (self.current_task + 1) * self.cpt:]
good_head = outputs[:, self.current_task * self.cpt:(self.current_task + 1) * self.cpt]
if not self.buffer.is_empty():
buf_tlgt = buf_labels // self.cpt
bad_head = torch.cat([bad_head, buf_outputs[:, (self.current_task + 1) * self.cpt:]])
good_head = torch.cat([good_head, torch.stack(buf_outputs.split(self.cpt, 1), 1)[torch.arange(len(buf_tlgt)), buf_tlgt]])
loss_constr = bad_head.max(1)[0] + self.args.constr_margin - good_head.max(1)[0]
mask = loss_constr > 0
if (mask).any():
loss_constr_futu = self.args.constr_eta * loss_constr[mask].mean()
# Past Logits Constraint
loss_constr_past = torch.tensor(0.).type(loss_stream.dtype)
if self.args.past_constraint and self.current_task > 0:
chead = F.softmax(outputs[:, :(self.current_task + 1) * self.cpt], 1)
good_head = chead[:, self.current_task * self.cpt:(self.current_task + 1) * self.cpt]
bad_head = chead[:, :self.cpt * self.current_task]
loss_constr = bad_head.max(1)[0].detach() + self.args.constr_margin - good_head.max(1)[0]
mask = loss_constr > 0
if (mask).any():
loss_constr_past = self.args.constr_eta * loss_constr[mask].mean()
loss = loss_stream + loss_der + loss_derpp + loss_cons + loss_dp + loss_constr_futu + loss_constr_past
return loss.item()