Source code for models.twf_utils.afd

import math
import os
from typing import Tuple
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from utils.conditional_bn import ConditionalBatchNorm1d
from utils.conditional_bn import ConditionalBatchNorm2d
from utils.conf import warn_once

[docs] def get_rnd_weight(num_tasks, fin, fout=None, nonlinearity='relu'): results = [] if fout is None: fin = fout for i in range(num_tasks): mat = torch.zeros((fout, fin)) nn.init.kaiming_normal_(mat, mode='fan_out', nonlinearity=nonlinearity) results.append(mat.view(-1)) return torch.stack(results)
[docs] class ConditionalLinear(nn.Module): def __init__(self, fin: int, fout: int, n_tasks: int, use_bn: bool = False, act_init: str = 'relu'): super(ConditionalLinear, self).__init__() self.fin, self.fout = fin, fout self.n_tasks = n_tasks self.weight = nn.Embedding(self.n_tasks, self.fin * self.fout) # C self.condbn = None if use_bn: self.condbn = ConditionalBatchNorm1d(self.fout, self.n_tasks) self.init_parameters(act_init)
[docs] def init_parameters(self, act_init: str): get_rnd_weight(self.n_tasks, fin=self.fin, fout=self.fout, nonlinearity=act_init))
[docs] def forward(self, x, task_id): weight = self.weight(task_id).view(-1, self.fout, self.fin) x = x.unsqueeze(2) # B, fin, 1 x = torch.bmm(weight, x) x = x.squeeze(2) # B, C if self.condbn is not None: x = self.condbn(x, task_id) return x
[docs] class DiverseLoss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, lambda_loss: float, temp: float = 2.0): super(DiverseLoss, self).__init__() self.lambda_loss = lambda_loss self.temp = temp
[docs] def forward(self, logits: torch.Tensor): c = logits.shape[1] if len(logits.shape) > 2: logits = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(logits, 1).view(-1, c) mean = torch.mean(logits, dim=1, keepdim=True) std = torch.std(logits, dim=1, keepdim=True) normalized_logits = (logits - mean) / std dotlogits = torch.matmul(logits, logits.t()) / self.temp batch_size = normalized_logits.shape[0] loss = torch.logsumexp(dotlogits, dim=1).mean(0) loss -= 1 / self.temp loss -= math.log(batch_size) return self.lambda_loss * loss
[docs] class SoftAttentionSoftmax(nn.Module): def __init__(self, fin: int, fout: int, n_tasks: int): super(SoftAttentionSoftmax, self).__init__() self.fin, self.fout = fin, fout self.n_tasks = n_tasks self.l = ConditionalLinear(fin, fout, n_tasks) self.init_parameters()
[docs] def forward(self, x, task_id): logits = self.l(x, task_id) rho = torch.softmax(logits, dim=-1) return rho, logits
[docs] class BinaryGumbelSoftmax(nn.Module): def __init__(self, tau: float = (2. / 3.)): super(BinaryGumbelSoftmax, self).__init__() self.tau = tau
[docs] def forward(self, logits): if if str(logits.device) == 'cpu': warn_once('GumbelSoftmax may be unstable in CPU (see') h = nn.functional.gumbel_softmax(logits, tau=self.tau, hard=True) h = h[..., 0] return h h = torch.softmax(logits, -1) h = 1. - torch.argmax(h, -1) return h
[docs] class HardAttentionSoftmax(nn.Module): def __init__(self, fin: int, fout: int, n_tasks: int, tau: float = (2. / 3.)): super(HardAttentionSoftmax, self).__init__() self.fin, self.fout = fin, fout self.n_tasks = n_tasks self.gumbel = BinaryGumbelSoftmax(tau) self.l = ConditionalLinear(self.fin, 2 * self.fout, n_tasks)
[docs] def forward(self, x, task_id, flag_stop_grad=None): assert len(task_id) == len(x) logits = self.l(x, task_id).view(-1, self.fout, 2) h = self.gumbel(logits) return h, logits
[docs] class SpatialAttn(nn.Module): def __init__(self, c: int, n_tasks: int, reduction_rate: int = 4): super(SpatialAttn, self).__init__() self.c_in = c self.c_out = self.c_in // reduction_rate self.n_tasks = n_tasks self.eps = 1e-6 self.act = nn.ReLU() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(self.c_in, self.c_out, kernel_size=1, stride=1) self.condbn_1 = ConditionalBatchNorm2d(self.c_out, self.n_tasks) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(self.c_out, self.c_out, kernel_size=3, stride=1, dilation=2, padding=2) self.condbn_2 = ConditionalBatchNorm2d(self.c_out, self.n_tasks) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(self.c_out, self.c_out, kernel_size=3, stride=1, dilation=2, padding=2) self.condbn_3 = ConditionalBatchNorm2d(self.c_out, self.n_tasks) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(self.c_out, 1, kernel_size=1, stride=1) self.condbn_4 = ConditionalBatchNorm2d(1, self.n_tasks)
[docs] def forward(self, fm_t: torch.Tensor, tasks_id: torch.Tensor): x = fm_t x = self.conv1(x) x = self.condbn_1(x, tasks_id) x = self.act(x) x = self.conv2(x) x = self.condbn_2(x, tasks_id) x = self.act(x) x = self.conv3(x) x = self.condbn_3(x, tasks_id) x = self.act(x) x = self.conv4(x) x = self.condbn_4(x, tasks_id) return x
[docs] class ChannelAttn(nn.Module): def __init__(self, c: int, n_tasks: int, reduction_rate: int = 1, activated_with_softmax: bool = False): super(ChannelAttn, self).__init__() self.c_in = c self.c_out = self.c_in // reduction_rate self.n_tasks = n_tasks self.eps = 1e-6 self.activated_with_softmax = activated_with_softmax self.l1 = ConditionalLinear(self.c_in, self.c_out, n_tasks, use_bn=True, act_init='tanh') self.l2 = ConditionalLinear(self.c_in, self.c_out, n_tasks, use_bn=True, act_init='sigmoid') self.lres = ConditionalLinear(self.c_in, self.c_out, n_tasks) # C self.attn_act = None if activated_with_softmax: self.attn_act = HardAttentionSoftmax(self.c_out, self.c_in, n_tasks)
[docs] def upsample(self, x, desired_shape): return x
[docs] def downsample(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return x
[docs] def compute_distance(self, fm_s, fm_t, rho, use_overhaul_fd): dist = (fm_s - fm_t) ** 2 if use_overhaul_fd: mask = 1.0 - ((fm_s <= fm_t) & (fm_t <= 0.0)).float() dist = dist * mask dist = dist.mean(dim=(2, 3)) dist = rho * dist dist = dist.sum(1).mean(0) return dist
[docs] def forward(self, fm_t: torch.Tensor, tasks_id: torch.Tensor): c = fm_t.shape[1] # b, c, h, w x = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(fm_t, 1).view(-1, c) rho_a = self.l1(x, tasks_id) rho_a = torch.tanh(rho_a) rho_b = self.l2(x, tasks_id) rho_b = torch.sigmoid(rho_b) res = self.lres(x, tasks_id) rho = rho_a * rho_b + res if self.activated_with_softmax: rho, logits = self.attn_act(rho, tasks_id) return rho, logits return rho
[docs] class DoubleAttn(nn.Module): def __init__(self, c: int, n_tasks: int, reduction_rate: int = 4): super(DoubleAttn, self).__init__() self.c = c self.n_tasks = n_tasks self.channel_attn = ChannelAttn(c, n_tasks, reduction_rate=1, activated_with_softmax=False) self.spatial_attn = SpatialAttn(c, n_tasks, reduction_rate=reduction_rate) self.weight = nn.Embedding(self.n_tasks, self.c * (self.c * 2)) self.gumbel = BinaryGumbelSoftmax()
[docs] def init_parameters(self): get_rnd_weight(self.n_tasks, self.c, self.c * 2))
[docs] def compute_distance(self, fm_s, fm_t, rho, use_overhaul_fd): dist = (fm_s - fm_t) ** 2 if use_overhaul_fd: mask = 1.0 - ((fm_s <= fm_t) & (fm_t <= 0.0)).float() dist = dist * mask dist = rho * dist dist = dist.mean(dim=(2, 3)) dist = dist.sum(1).mean(0) return dist
[docs] def upsample(self, x, desired_shape): _, c, h, w = x.shape cd, hd, wd = desired_shape assert cd == c and h <= hd and w <= wd if h == hd and w == wd: return x return F.interpolate(x, (hd, wd))
[docs] def downsample(self, x, min_resize_threshold=16): _, c, h, w = x.shape if h < min_resize_threshold: return x return F.interpolate(x, (h // 2, w // 2))
[docs] def forward(self, fm_t: torch.Tensor, tasks_id: torch.Tensor): ch_attn = self.channel_attn(fm_t, tasks_id) sp_attn = self.spatial_attn(fm_t, tasks_id) if 'ablation_type' in os.environ: if os.environ['ablation_type'] == 'chan_only': sp_attn = torch.ones_like(sp_attn) elif os.environ['ablation_type'] == 'space_only': ch_attn = torch.ones_like(ch_attn) ch_attn = ch_attn.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3) x = ch_attn + sp_attn weight = self.weight(tasks_id).view(-1, self.c * 2, self.c) logits = torch.einsum('bji,bixy->bjxy', weight, x) _, _, h, w = x.shape x = logits.permute((0, 2, 3, 1)) x = x.view(-1, w, h, self.c, 2) rho = self.gumbel(x) logits = logits.view(-1, self.c, 2, w, h) rho = rho.permute((0, 3, 1, 2)) return rho, logits
[docs] class StudentTransform(nn.Module): def __init__(self, chw: Tuple[int], n_tasks: int, cpt: int): super(StudentTransform, self).__init__() self.c, self.h, self.w = chw self.n_tasks = n_tasks self.cpt = cpt self.weight_ofd = nn.Embedding(self.n_tasks, self.c ** 2) self.condbn_ofd = ConditionalBatchNorm2d(self.c, self.n_tasks) self.init_parameters()
[docs] def init_parameters(self): get_rnd_weight(self.n_tasks, self.c, self.c, 'relu'))
[docs] def forward(self, fm_s, tasks_id): weight = self.weight_ofd(tasks_id).view(-1, self.c, self.c) x = torch.einsum('bji,bixy->bjxy', weight, fm_s) x = self.condbn_ofd(x, tasks_id) return x
[docs] class TeacherTransform(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(TeacherTransform, self).__init__()
[docs] def forward(self, fm_t, targets): return torch.max(fm_t, self.get_margin(fm_t))
[docs] def get_margin(self, fm, eps=1e-6): mask = (fm < 0.0).float() masked_fm = fm * mask margin = masked_fm.sum(dim=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True) / \ (mask.sum(dim=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True) + eps) return margin
[docs] class Normalize(nn.Module): def __init__(self, eps: float = 1e-6): super(Normalize, self).__init__() self.eps = eps
[docs] def forward(self, x): norm = torch.norm(x, dim=(2, 3), keepdim=True) return torch.div(x, norm + self.eps)
[docs] class TeacherForcingLoss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, teacher_forcing_or: bool, lambda_forcing_loss: float): super(TeacherForcingLoss, self).__init__() self.teacher_forcing_or = teacher_forcing_or self.lambda_forcing_loss = lambda_forcing_loss self.register_buffer('index', torch.LongTensor([0]))
[docs] def forward(self, logits, pred, target, teacher_forcing): logits, pred, target = logits[teacher_forcing], pred[teacher_forcing], target[teacher_forcing] logits = torch.index_select(logits, dim=2, index=self.index).squeeze(2) teacher_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, target, reduction='none') if self.teacher_forcing_or: mask = (1. - pred) * target teacher_loss = mask * teacher_loss teacher_loss = teacher_loss.mean() if len(teacher_loss) > 0 else .0 teacher_loss *= self.lambda_forcing_loss return teacher_loss
[docs] class MultiTaskAFDAlternative(nn.Module): def __init__(self, chw: Tuple[int], n_tasks: int, cpt: int, clear_grad: bool = False, use_overhaul_fd: bool = False, lambda_diverse_loss: float = 0.0, use_hard_softmax: bool = True, teacher_forcing_or: bool = False, lambda_forcing_loss: float = 0.0, attn_mode: str = 'ch', resize_maps: bool = False, min_resize_threshold: int = 16): super(MultiTaskAFDAlternative, self).__init__() assert use_hard_softmax, 'use_hard_softmax must be True' assert attn_mode in ['ch', 'chsp'], 'wrong value of attn_mode' self.c, self.h, self.w = chw self.n_tasks = n_tasks self.cpt = cpt self.clear_grad = clear_grad self.use_overhaul_fd = use_overhaul_fd self.teacher_forcing_or = teacher_forcing_or self.lambda_forcing_loss = lambda_forcing_loss self.resize_maps = resize_maps self.min_resize_threshold = min_resize_threshold self.attn_fn = None if attn_mode == 'ch': self.attn_fn = ChannelAttn(self.c, n_tasks, activated_with_softmax=True) elif attn_mode == 'chsp': self.attn_fn = DoubleAttn(self.c, self.n_tasks) else: raise ValueError self.teacher_forcing_loss = TeacherForcingLoss(self.teacher_forcing_or, self.lambda_forcing_loss) self.teacher_transform = TeacherTransform() self.norm = Normalize() self.diverse_loss = DiverseLoss(lambda_diverse_loss)
[docs] def get_tasks_id(self, targets): if 'ablation_type' in os.environ and os.environ['ablation_type'] == 'non_cond': return torch.zeros_like(targets) return torch.div(targets, self.cpt, rounding_mode='floor')
[docs] def extend_like(self, teacher_forcing, y): dest_shape = (-1,) + (1,) * (len(y.shape) - 1) return teacher_forcing.view(dest_shape).expand(y.shape)
[docs] def forward(self, fm_s, fm_t, targets, teacher_forcing, attention_map): assert len(targets) == len(fm_s) == len(fm_t) == len(teacher_forcing) == len(attention_map) output_rho, logits = self.attn_fn(fm_t, self.get_tasks_id(targets)) rho = output_rho loss = .0 if not self.lambda_forcing_loss > 0.0: if teacher_forcing.any(): if self.resize_maps: attention_map = self.attn_fn.upsample(attention_map, fm_t.shape[1:]) p1 = torch.max(attention_map, output_rho) if self.teacher_forcing_or else attention_map rho = torch.where(self.extend_like(teacher_forcing, attention_map), p1, output_rho) else: rho = output_rho elif teacher_forcing.any(): if 'ablation_type' not in os.environ or os.environ['ablation_type'] != 'no_mask_replay': if self.resize_maps: attention_map = self.attn_fn.upsample(attention_map, fm_t.shape[1:]) loss += self.teacher_forcing_loss(logits, output_rho, attention_map, teacher_forcing) if self.use_overhaul_fd: fm_t = self.teacher_transform(fm_t, targets) fm_t, fm_s = self.norm(fm_t), self.norm(fm_s) loss += self.attn_fn.compute_distance(fm_s, fm_t, rho, self.use_overhaul_fd) if 'ablation_type' not in os.environ or os.environ['ablation_type'] != 'no_diverse': loss += self.diverse_loss(rho[~teacher_forcing]) if self.resize_maps: output_rho = self.attn_fn.downsample(output_rho, min_resize_threshold=self.min_resize_threshold) return loss, output_rho