Source code for models.ranpac_utils.ranpac

import logging
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import optim
from torch.nn import functional as F
from models.ranpac_utils.inc_net import RanPACNet
from torch.distributions.multivariate_normal import MultivariateNormal
from tqdm import tqdm
from datasets import get_dataset
import sys

from models.ranpac_utils.toolkit import target2onehot

[docs] class RanPAC_Model(object): def __init__(self, backbone, args): super().__init__() self.args = args self._network = RanPACNet(backbone) @property def training(self): return
[docs] def to(self, device):
[docs] def train(self, *args): self._network.train(*args)
[docs] def eval(self): self._network.eval()
[docs] def replace_fc(self, trainloader): self._network = self._network.eval() if self.args['use_RP']: # these lines are needed because the CosineLinear head gets deleted between streams and replaced by one with more classes (for CIL) self._network.fc.use_RP = True if self.args['M'] > 0: self._network.fc.W_rand = self.W_rand else: self._network.fc.W_rand = None Features_f = [] label_list = [] with torch.no_grad(): for i, batch in enumerate(trainloader): (_, data, label) = batch data = label = embedding = self._network.convnet(data) Features_f.append(embedding.cpu()) label_list.append(label.cpu()) Features_f =, dim=0) label_list =, dim=0) Y = target2onehot(label_list, self.total_classnum) if self.args['use_RP']: # print('Number of pre-trained feature dimensions = ',Features_f.shape[-1]) if self.args['M'] > 0: Features_h = torch.nn.functional.relu(Features_f @ self._network.fc.W_rand.cpu()) else: Features_h = Features_f self.Q = self.Q + Features_h.T @ Y self.G = self.G + Features_h.T @ Features_h ridge = self.optimise_ridge_parameter(Features_h, Y) Wo = torch.linalg.solve(self.G + ridge * torch.eye(self.G.size(dim=0)), self.Q).T # better nmerical stability than .inv = Wo[0:self._network.fc.weight.shape[0], :].to(self._network.device) else: for class_index in np.unique(self.train_dataset.labels): data_index = (label_list == class_index).nonzero().squeeze(-1) if self.is_dil: class_prototype = Features_f[data_index].sum(0)[class_index] += # for dil, we update all classes in all tasks else: # original cosine similarity approach of Zhou et al (2023) class_prototype = Features_f[data_index].mean(0)[class_index] = class_prototype # for cil, only new classes get updated
[docs] def optimise_ridge_parameter(self, Features, Y): ridges = 10.0**np.arange(-8, 9) num_val_samples = int(Features.shape[0] * 0.8) losses = [] Q_val = Features[0:num_val_samples, :].T @ Y[0:num_val_samples, :] G_val = Features[0:num_val_samples, :].T @ Features[0:num_val_samples, :] for ridge in ridges: Wo = torch.linalg.solve(G_val + ridge * torch.eye(G_val.size(dim=0)), Q_val).T # better nmerical stability than .inv Y_train_pred = Features[num_val_samples::, :] @ Wo.T losses.append(F.mse_loss(Y_train_pred, Y[num_val_samples::, :])) ridge = ridges[np.argmin(np.array(losses))]"Optimal lambda: " + str(ridge)) return ridge