# Copyright 2022-present, Lorenzo Bonicelli, Pietro Buzzega, Matteo Boschini, Angelo Porrello, Simone Calderara.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from copy import deepcopy
import logging
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from datasets import get_dataset
from models.utils.continual_model import ContinualModel
from utils import binary_to_boolean_type
from utils.args import add_rehearsal_args, ArgumentParser
from utils.batch_norm import bn_track_stats
from utils.buffer import Buffer, icarl_replay, fill_buffer
from torchvision.transforms import functional as TF
class ICarl(ContinualModel):
"""Continual Learning via iCaRL."""
NAME = 'icarl'
COMPATIBILITY = ['class-il', 'task-il']
def get_parser(parser) -> ArgumentParser:
parser.add_argument('--compute_theoretical_best', type=binary_to_boolean_type, default=0,
help='Compute NCM with the theoretical case where all the training samples are stored AND extend the buffer to equalize number of samples? (as in the original code)')
parser.add_argument('--use_original_icarl_transform', type=binary_to_boolean_type, default=0,
help='Use the original iCaRL transform?')
parser.add_argument('--opt_wd', type=float, default=1e-5,
help='Optimizer weight decay')
return parser
def __init__(self, backbone, loss, args, transform, dataset=None):
if args.optim_wd != 0:
logging.warning('iCaRL uses a custom weight decay, the optimizer weight decay will be ignored.')
args.optim_wd = 0
if args.use_original_icarl_transform:
assert args.dataset == 'seq-cifar100', 'The original iCaRL transform is only available for CIFAR-100.'
super().__init__(backbone, loss, args, transform, dataset=dataset)
# Instantiate buffers
self.buffer = Buffer(self.args.buffer_size)
self.eye = torch.eye(self.num_classes).to(self.device)
if self.args.compute_theoretical_best:
logging.warning('Using the theoretical best for NCM, using all the training samples from ALL TASKS!')
logging.warning('This will also extend the buffer to equalize the number of samples for each class.')
self.ncm_buffer = Buffer(-1, device='cpu', sample_selection_strategy='unlimited') # Unlimited buffer
self.class_means = None
self.old_net = None
self.alpha_dr_herding = np.zeros((self.n_tasks, 500, self.cpt), np.float32)
def forward(self, x):
if self.class_means is None:
print('Computing class means...')
with torch.no_grad():
self.class_means = self.class_means.squeeze()
feats = self.net(x, returnt='features')
feats = feats / feats.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True)
feats = feats.view(feats.size(0), -1)
pred = (self.class_means.unsqueeze(0) - feats.unsqueeze(1)).pow(2).sum(2)
return -pred
def wd(self):
loss = 0
for p in self.net.parameters():
loss += p.pow(2).sum()
return loss
def observe(self, inputs, labels, not_aug_inputs, logits=None, epoch=None):
if self.args.use_original_icarl_transform:
inputs = c100_transform(self.normalization_transform(not_aug_inputs))
if not hasattr(self, 'classes_so_far'):
self.register_buffer('classes_so_far', labels.unique().to('cpu'))
self.register_buffer('classes_so_far', torch.cat((
self.classes_so_far, labels.to('cpu'))).unique())
self.class_means = None
if self.current_task > 0:
with torch.no_grad():
logits = torch.sigmoid(self.old_net(inputs))
loss = self.get_loss(inputs, labels, self.current_task, logits)
loss = loss + self.wd() * self.args.opt_wd
return loss.item()
def binary_cross_entropy(pred, y):
return -(pred.log() * y + (1 - y) * (1 - pred).log()).mean()
def get_loss(self, inputs: torch.Tensor, labels: torch.Tensor,
task_idx: int, logits: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Computes the loss tensor.
inputs: the images to be fed to the network
labels: the ground-truth labels
task_idx: the task index
logits: the logits of the old network
the differentiable loss value
outputs = self.net(inputs)
if task_idx == 0:
# Compute loss on the current task
targets = self.eye[labels]
loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(outputs, targets) # self.binary_cross_entropy(F.sigmoid(outputs), targets) #
assert loss >= 0
targets = self.eye[labels]
comb_targets = torch.cat((logits[:, :self.n_past_classes], targets[:, self.n_past_classes:]), dim=1)
loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(outputs, comb_targets)
assert loss >= 0
return loss
def begin_task(self, dataset):
if self.current_task == 0:
self.allx = dataset.train_loader.dataset.data
self.ally = dataset.train_loader.dataset.targets
self.allx = np.concatenate((self.allx, dataset.train_loader.dataset.data))
self.ally = np.concatenate((self.ally, dataset.train_loader.dataset.targets))
icarl_replay(self, dataset)
def end_task(self, dataset) -> None:
self.old_net = deepcopy(self.net)
with torch.no_grad():
fill_buffer(self.buffer, dataset, self.current_task, net=self.net, use_herding=True, normalize_features=True,
if self.args.compute_theoretical_best:
fill_buffer(self.ncm_buffer, dataset, self.current_task, net=self.net, use_herding=True, normalize_features=True,
self.class_means = None
def compute_class_means(self) -> None:
Computes a vector representing mean features for each class.
# This function caches class means
was_training = self.net.training
buffer = self.ncm_buffer if self.args.compute_theoretical_best else self.buffer
transform = self.dataset.get_normalization_transform()
class_means = []
buf_data = buffer.get_all_data(transform, device=self.device)
examples, labels = buf_data[0], buf_data[1]
for _y in self.classes_so_far:
x_buf = torch.stack(
for i in range(0, len(examples))
if labels[i].cpu() == _y]
with bn_track_stats(self, False):
allt = []
allt_flipped = []
while len(x_buf):
batch = x_buf[:self.args.batch_size]
x_buf = x_buf[self.args.batch_size:]
feats = self.net(batch, returnt='features')
flipped_feats = self.net(TF.hflip(batch), returnt='features')
feats = feats / feats.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True)
flipped_feats = flipped_feats / flipped_feats.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True)
allt = torch.cat(allt).mean(0)
allt_flipped = torch.cat(allt_flipped).mean(0)
allt = (allt + allt_flipped) / 2
allt = allt / allt.norm()
self.class_means = torch.stack(class_means)