Source code for models.er_ace_aer_abs

import copy
from typing import Union
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from import DataLoader
from torch.distributions.beta import Beta
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import tqdm
import numpy as np

from datasets.utils.continual_dataset import ContinualDataset
from models.utils.continual_model import ContinualModel
from utils.args import add_rehearsal_args
from utils.buffer import Buffer
from utils.augmentations import apply_transform, cutmix_data

[docs] class CustomDataset( def __init__(self, data: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor, transform=None, extra=None, device="cpu"): self.device = device = self.targets = if targets is not None else None self.transform = transform self.probs = (torch.ones(len( / len( self.extra = extra
[docs] def set_probs(self, probs: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]): """ Set the probability of each data point being correct (i.e., belonging to the Gaussian with the lowest mean) """ if not isinstance(probs, torch.Tensor): probs = torch.tensor(probs) self.probs =
def __len__(self): return len( def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Return the data, the target, the extra information (if any), the not augmented data, and the probability of the data point being correct Returns: - data: the augmented data - target: the target - extra: (optional) additional information - not_aug_data: the data without augmentation - prob: the probability of the data point being correct """ not_aug_data =[idx] data = not_aug_data.clone() if self.transform: data = apply_transform(data, self.transform, autosqueeze=True) ret = (data, self.targets[idx],) if self.extra is not None: ret += (self.extra[idx],) ret += (not_aug_data,) return ret + (self.probs[idx],)
[docs] class ErAceAerAbs(ContinualModel): """Er-ACE with AER and ABS, from `May the Forgetting Be with You: Alternate Replay for Learning with Noisy Labels`.""" NAME = 'er_ace_aer_abs' COMPATIBILITY = ['class-il', 'task-il']
[docs] @staticmethod def get_parser(parser) -> ArgumentParser: add_rehearsal_args(parser) parser.add_argument('--sample_selection_strategy', default='abs', type=str, choices=['reservoir', 'lars', 'abs'], help='Sample selection strategy to use: `reservoir`, `lars` (known as LASS in the paper), or `abs`') parser.add_argument('--use_aer', default=1, type=int, choices=[0, 1], help='Use Alternate Replay?') parser.add_argument('--alpha_sample_insertion', default=0.75, type=float, help='percentage of high loss samples to remove from buffer') group = parser.add_argument_group('Buffer fitting') group.add_argument('--buffer_fitting_epochs', type=int, default=0, help='Number of epochs to fit on buffer') group.add_argument('--enable_cutmix_buffer_fitting', type=int, default=0, choices=[0, 1], help='Enable cutmix augmentation during buffer fitting?') group.add_argument('--buffer_fitting_lr', type=float, default=0.05, help='Buffer fitting learning rate') group.add_argument('--buffer_fitting_type', type=str, default='mixmatch', choices=['simple', 'mixmatch'], help='Buffer fitting strategy:' ' - `simple`: simple buffer fitting based on CE' ' - `mixmatch`: try separate clean/noisy and fit with mixmatch') group.add_argument('--mixmatch_naug_buffer_fitting', type=int, default=3, help='Number of augmentations for mixmatch during buffer fitting') group.add_argument('--mixmatch_alpha_buffer_fitting', type=float, default=0.5, help='Alpha parameter for mixmatch for the Beta distribution') group.add_argument('--mixmatch_lambda_buffer_fitting', type=float, default=0.01, help='Lambda parameter for mixmatch') group.add_argument('--buffer_fitting_batch_size', type=int, default=32) return parser
def __init__(self, backbone, loss, args, transform, dataset=None): if args.alpha_sample_insertion > 1: assert args.alpha_sample_insertion <= 100, 'alpha_sample_insertion should be a percentage' args.alpha_sample_insertion = args.alpha_sample_insertion / 100 super(ErAceAerAbs, self).__init__(backbone, loss, args, transform, dataset=dataset) self.buffer = Buffer(self.args.buffer_size, self.device, dataset=self.dataset, sample_selection_strategy=self.args.sample_selection_strategy) self.seen_so_far = torch.tensor([]).long().to(self.device)
[docs] def reload_model_checkpoint(self):
[docs] def save_model_checkpoint(self): self.past_model_ckpt = copy.deepcopy(
[docs] def begin_task(self, dataset: ContinualDataset) -> None: self.opt.zero_grad()
[docs] def end_task(self, dataset): if self.args.buffer_fitting_epochs > 0: self.past_model_ckpt = None if self.args.buffer_fitting_type == 'simple': self.fit_buffer_ce() elif self.args.buffer_fitting_type == 'mixmatch': self.fit_buffer_mixmatch() else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown buffer fitting type: {self.args.buffer_fitting_type}')
[docs] def is_aer_fitting_epoch(self, epoch): # fit the buffer only during odd epochs or the last epoch (i.e., start with no replay and end with replay) return epoch % 2 == 1 or epoch == self.args.n_epochs - 1
[docs] def begin_epoch(self, epoch: int, dataset: ContinualDataset): torch.cuda.empty_cache() if self.is_aer_fitting_epoch(epoch) and hasattr(self, 'past_model_ckpt') and self.past_model_ckpt is not None: # this is a learning epoch, restore the checkpoint to when the buffer was fitted self.reload_model_checkpoint()
[docs] def end_epoch(self, epoch: int, dataset: ContinualDataset): if self.is_aer_fitting_epoch(epoch): # the epoch was a buffer fitting epoch, save the model checkpoint self.save_model_checkpoint()
[docs] def observe(self, inputs, labels, not_aug_inputs, epoch, true_labels): present = labels.unique() self.seen_so_far =[self.seen_so_far, present]).unique() logits = mask = torch.zeros_like(logits) mask[:, present] = 1 self.opt.zero_grad() if self.seen_so_far.max() < (self.num_classes - 1): mask[:, self.seen_so_far.max():] = 1 logits = logits.masked_fill(mask == 0, torch.finfo(logits.dtype).min) with torch.no_grad(): not_aug_logits =, self.normalization_transform)) not_aug_logits = not_aug_logits.masked_fill(mask == 0, torch.finfo(not_aug_logits.dtype).min) loss_not_aug_ext = self.loss(not_aug_logits, labels, reduction='none') loss = self.loss(logits, labels) loss_re = torch.tensor(0.) if not self.buffer.is_empty(): # always sample from buffer (needed to update scores) buf_indexes, not_aug_buf_inputs, buf_inputs, buf_labels = self.buffer.get_data( self.args.minibatch_size, transform=self.transform, return_index=True, return_not_aug=True, not_aug_transform=self.normalization_transform) if self.args.sample_selection_strategy != 'reservoir': with torch.no_grad(): # update scores for existing samples with not augmented data for best logits not_aug_buf_logits = loss_not_aug_re_ext = self.loss(not_aug_buf_logits, buf_labels, reduction='none') self.buffer.sample_selection_fn.update(buf_indexes, loss_not_aug_re_ext) # replay if AER is disabled or if epoch is odd (or last) # if not self.args.use_aer or self.is_aer_fitting_epoch(epoch): buf_logits = loss_re = self.loss(buf_logits, buf_labels) if self.args.use_aer and epoch % 2 == 0: loss_re = torch.tensor(0.) loss += loss_re loss.backward() # torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(, 1) self.opt.step() with torch.no_grad(): # update buffer if not using AER or only during buffer forgetting epochs (i.e., when the buffer is NOT optimized) if not self.args.use_aer or (self.args.use_aer and not self.is_aer_fitting_epoch(epoch)): # not_aug_logits =, self.normalization_transform)) # not_aug_logits = not_aug_logits.masked_fill(mask == 0, torch.finfo(not_aug_logits.dtype).min) # loss_not_aug_ext = self.loss(not_aug_logits, labels, reduction='none') # sample insertion _, clean_mask = torch.topk(loss_not_aug_ext, round((1 - self.args.alpha_sample_insertion) * inputs.shape[0]), largest=False) self.buffer.add_data(examples=not_aug_inputs[clean_mask], labels=labels[clean_mask], sample_selection_scores=loss_not_aug_ext[clean_mask] if self.args.sample_selection_strategy != 'reservoir' else None) return loss.item()
# ------------------ OPTIONAL STUFF FOR BUFFER FITTING ---------------------
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def pseudo_label(self, net: nn.Module, not_aug_inputs: torch.Tensor, orig_labels: torch.Tensor, corr_probs: torch.Tensor, T=0.5): """ Pseudo-label generation for MixMatch: 1. Augment the unlabeled data 2. Get the output of the model 3. Compute the average of the output 4. Sharpen the output Additional step: - Compute the pseudo label as the weighted sum of the original label and the sharpened output, with the weight being the probability of the original label being correct """ N = self.args.mixmatch_naug_buffer_fitting # ------------------ PSEUDO LABEL --------------------- was_training = net.eval() unsup_aug_inputs = apply_transform(not_aug_inputs.repeat_interleave(N, 0), self.transform) orig_labels = F.one_hot(orig_labels.repeat_interleave(N, 0), self.num_classes).float() corr_probs = corr_probs.repeat_interleave(N, 0) unsup_aug_outputs =, -1, self.num_classes).mean(0) unsup_sharp_outputs = unsup_aug_outputs ** (1 / T) unsup_norm_outputs = unsup_sharp_outputs / unsup_sharp_outputs.sum(1).unsqueeze(1) unsup_norm_outputs = unsup_norm_outputs.repeat(N, 1) pseudo_labels_u = corr_probs * orig_labels + (1 - corr_probs) * unsup_norm_outputs net.train(was_training) return pseudo_labels_u.float(), unsup_aug_inputs
[docs] def mixmatch_epoch(self, net: nn.Module, opt: torch.optim.Optimizer, loader: DataLoader): net.train() with tqdm.tqdm(loader, desc=' - MixMatch epoch', leave=False) as pbar: for i, data in enumerate(pbar): if self.args.debug_mode and i > 10: break inputs, labels, is_ambiguous, not_aug_inputs, corr_probs = data inputs, labels, is_ambiguous, not_aug_inputs, corr_probs = self.device), self.device), self.device), self.device), is_ambiguous = is_ambiguous.bool() corr_probs = corr_probs[:, 0].expand(-1, self.num_classes) N_SUP = len(labels[is_ambiguous]) inputs_s = inputs[is_ambiguous] labels_s = F.one_hot(labels[is_ambiguous], self.num_classes).float() not_aug_inputs_u = not_aug_inputs[~is_ambiguous] # mixmatch if len(not_aug_inputs_u) > 0: pseudo_labels_u, inputs_u = self.pseudo_label(net, not_aug_inputs_u, labels[~is_ambiguous], corr_probs[~is_ambiguous]) all_inputs =[inputs_s, inputs_u], dim=0) all_targets =[labels_s, pseudo_labels_u], dim=0) else: all_inputs = inputs_s all_targets = labels_s idx = torch.randperm(all_inputs.size(0)) input_a, input_b = all_inputs, all_inputs[idx] target_a, target_b = all_targets, all_targets[idx] lamda = Beta(self.args.mixmatch_alpha_buffer_fitting, self.args.mixmatch_alpha_buffer_fitting).rsample((len(all_inputs),)).to(self.device) lamda = torch.max(lamda, 1 - lamda) lamda_inputs = lamda.reshape([lamda.shape[0]] + [1] * (len(input_a.shape) - 1)) lamda_targets = lamda.reshape([lamda.shape[0]] + [1] * (len(target_a.shape) - 1)) mixed_input = lamda_inputs * input_a + (1 - lamda_inputs) * input_b mixed_target = lamda_targets * target_a + (1 - lamda_targets) * target_b logits = net(mixed_input) mixed_target = logits_x = logits[:N_SUP] logits_u = logits[N_SUP:] loss_sup = torch.tensor(0.) loss_unsup = torch.tensor(0.) if len(logits_x) > 0: loss_sup = F.cross_entropy(logits_x, mixed_target[:N_SUP], reduction='mean') if len(logits_u) > 0: loss_unsup = F.mse_loss(logits_u, mixed_target[N_SUP:], reduction='mean') loss = loss_sup + self.args.mixmatch_lambda_buffer_fitting * loss_unsup # compute gradient and do SGD step opt.zero_grad() loss.backward() opt.step() assert not torch.isnan(loss).any().item(), 'Loss is NaN' pbar.set_postfix({'loss': loss.item(), 'lr': opt.param_groups[0]['lr']}, refresh=False)
[docs] @ torch.no_grad() def split_data(self, test_loader: DataLoader, model: nn.Module): CE = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') model.eval() model = losses = torch.tensor([]) # Compute the loss for each data point without augmentation for data in test_loader: inputs, targets = data[0], data[1] inputs, targets =, outputs = model(inputs) loss = CE(outputs, targets) losses =[losses, loss.detach().cpu()]) losses = (losses - losses.min()) / ((losses.max() - losses.min()) + torch.finfo(torch.float32).eps) input_loss = losses.reshape(-1, 1) # fit a two-component GMM to the loss gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=2, max_iter=10, tol=1e-2, reg_covar=5e-4) # get the probabilities of each data point belonging to each component prob = gmm.predict_proba(input_loss) mean_index = np.argsort(gmm.means_, axis=0) prob = prob[:, mean_index] pred = prob.argmax(axis=1) # the component with the lowest mean are probably clean correct_idx = np.where(pred == 0)[0] # the rest are ambiguous (may be noisy) amb_idx = np.where(pred == 1)[0] return correct_idx, amb_idx, prob
[docs] def fit_buffer_mixmatch(self): # get all data from the buffer buf_data = self.buffer.get_all_data(device="cpu") inputs, labels = buf_data[0], buf_data[1] # Building train dataset train_dataset = CustomDataset(inputs, labels, transform=self.transform) train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=self.args.buffer_fitting_batch_size, shuffle=True) # Building test dataset not_aug_dataset = CustomDataset(inputs, labels, transform=self.normalization_transform) not_aug_loader = DataLoader(not_aug_dataset, batch_size=self.args.buffer_fitting_batch_size, shuffle=False) # build optimizer opt = self.get_optimizer([p for p in if p.requires_grad], lr=self.args.buffer_fitting_lr) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts( opt, T_0=1, T_mult=2, eta_min=self.args.buffer_fitting_lr * 0.01 ) for e in tqdm.trange(self.args.buffer_fitting_epochs, desc='Fitting on buffer with MixMatch'): _, amb_idxs, probs = self.split_data(test_loader=not_aug_loader, amb_idxs, probs = torch.from_numpy(amb_idxs), torch.from_numpy(probs) corr_lab = torch.ones(len(train_dataset)) corr_lab[amb_idxs] = 0 train_loader.dataset.set_probs( train_loader.dataset.extra = self.mixmatch_epoch(, opt, train_loader) scheduler.step()
[docs] def fit_buffer_ce(self): inputs, labels = self.buffer.get_all_data() train_dataset = CustomDataset(inputs, targets=labels, transform=self.transform, device=self.device) train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=self.args.batch_size, shuffle=True) opt = torch.optim.SGD(, lr=self.args.buffer_fitting_lr, momentum=self.args.optim_mom, weight_decay=self.args.optim_wd) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts( opt, T_0=1, T_mult=2, eta_min=self.args.buffer_fitting_lr * 0.01 ) for e in tqdm.trange(self.args.buffer_fitting_epochs, desc='Fitting on buffer with CE'): for i, data in enumerate(train_loader): if self.args.debug_mode and i > 10: break inputs, labels = data[0].to(self.device), data[1].to(self.device) opt.zero_grad() if self.args.enable_cutmix_buffer_fitting and np.random.rand(0, 1) < 0.5: inputs, labels_a, labels_b, lam = cutmix_data(inputs, labels, force=True) logits = loss = lam * self.loss(logits, labels_a) + (1 - lam) * self.loss(logits, labels_b) else: logits = loss_ext = self.loss(logits, labels, reduction='none') loss = loss_ext.mean() loss.backward() opt.step() scheduler.step()