Datasets can be included either by registering them using the `register_dataset` decorator or by following the old naming convention:
- A single dataset is defined in a file named `<dataset_name>.py` in the `datasets` folder.
- The dataset class must inherit from `ContinualDataset`.
import os
import sys
from typing import Callable
import importlib
import inspect
from argparse import Namespace
mammoth_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
from utils import infer_args_from_signature, register_dynamic_module_fn
from utils.conf import warn_once
from datasets.utils.continual_dataset import ContinualDataset
REGISTERED_DATASETS = dict() # dictionary containing the registered datasets. Template: {name: {'class': class, 'parsable_args': parsable_args}}
def register_dataset(name: str) -> Callable:
Decorator to register a ContinualDatasety. The decorator may be used on a class that inherits from `ContinualDataset` or on a function that returns a `ContinualDataset` instance.
The registered dataset can be accessed using the `get_dataset` function and can include additional keyword arguments to be set during parsing.
The arguments can be inferred by the *signature* of the dataset's class.
The value of the argument is the default value. If the default is set to `Parameter.empty`, the argument is required. If the default is set to `None`, the argument is optional. The type of the argument is inferred from the default value (default is `str`).
name: the name of the dataset
if hasattr(get_dataset_names, 'names'): # reset the cache of the dataset names
del get_dataset_names.names
return register_dynamic_module_fn(name, REGISTERED_DATASETS, ContinualDataset)
def get_all_datasets_legacy():
Returns the list of all the available datasets in the datasets folder that follow the old naming convention.
return [model.split('.')[0] for model in os.listdir('datasets')
if not model.find('__') > -1 and 'py' in model]
def get_dataset_names(names_only=False):
Return the names of the available continual dataset.
If an error was detected while loading the available datasets, it raises the appropriate error message.
names_only (bool): whether to return only the names of the available datasets
AssertError: if the dataset is not available
Exception: if an error is detected in the dataset
the named of the available continual datasets
def _dataset_names():
names = {} # key: dataset name, value: {'class': dataset class, 'parsable_args': parsable_args}
for dataset, dataset_conf in REGISTERED_DATASETS.items():
names[dataset.replace('_', '-')] = {'class': dataset_conf['class'], 'parsable_args': dataset_conf['parsable_args']}
base_class_signature = inspect.signature(ContinualDataset.__init__)
for dataset in get_all_datasets_legacy(): # for the datasets that follow the old naming convention, load the dataset class and check for errors
if dataset in names: # dataset registered with the new convention has priority
mod = importlib.import_module('datasets.' + dataset)
dataset_classes_name = [x for x in mod.__dir__() if 'type' in str(type(getattr(mod, x)))
and 'ContinualDataset' in str(inspect.getmro(getattr(mod, x))[1:]) and 'GCLDataset' not in str(inspect.getmro(getattr(mod, x)))]
for d in dataset_classes_name:
c = getattr(mod, d)
signature = inspect.signature(c.__init__)
parsable_args = infer_args_from_signature(signature, excluded_signature=base_class_signature)
names[c.NAME.replace('_', '-')] = {'class': c, 'parsable_args': parsable_args}
gcl_dataset_classes_name = [x for x in mod.__dir__() if 'type' in str(type(getattr(mod, x))) and 'GCLDataset' in str(inspect.getmro(getattr(mod, x))[1:])]
for d in gcl_dataset_classes_name:
c = getattr(mod, d)
signature = inspect.signature(c.__init__)
parsable_args = infer_args_from_signature(signature, excluded_signature=base_class_signature)
names[c.NAME.replace('_', '-')] = {'class': c, 'parsable_args': parsable_args}
except Exception as e: # if an error is detected, raise the appropriate error message
warn_once(f'Error in dataset {dataset}')
names[dataset.replace('_', '-')] = e
return names
if not hasattr(get_dataset_names, 'names'):
setattr(get_dataset_names, 'names', _dataset_names())
names = getattr(get_dataset_names, 'names')
if names_only:
return list(names.keys())
return names
def get_dataset_config_names(dataset: str):
Return the names of the available continual dataset configurations.
The configurations can be used to create a dataset with specific hyperparameters and can be
specified using the `--dataset_config` attribute.
The configurations are stored in the `datasets/configs/<dataset>` folder.
def _dataset_config_names(dataset):
names = []
if os.path.exists(f'datasets/configs/{dataset}'):
names = [dset_config.split('.yaml')[0] for dset_config in os.listdir(f'datasets/configs/{dataset}')
if dset_config.endswith('.yaml') and not dset_config.startswith('__')]
return names
if not hasattr(get_dataset_config_names, 'names'):
setattr(get_dataset_config_names, 'names', {})
if dataset not in get_dataset_config_names.names:
get_dataset_config_names.names[dataset] = _dataset_config_names(dataset)
return get_dataset_config_names.names[dataset]
def get_dataset_class(args: Namespace, return_args=False) -> ContinualDataset:
Return the class of the selected continual dataset among those that are available.
If an error was detected while loading the available datasets, it raises the appropriate error message.
args (Namespace): the arguments which contains the `--dataset` attribute
return_args (bool): whether to return the parsable arguments of the dataset
AssertError: if the dataset is not available
Exception: if an error is detected in the dataset
the continual dataset class
names = get_dataset_names()
assert args.dataset in names
if isinstance(names[args.dataset], Exception):
raise names[args.dataset]
if return_args:
return names[args.dataset]['class'], names[args.dataset]['parsable_args']
return names[args.dataset]['class']
def get_dataset(args: Namespace) -> ContinualDataset:
Creates and returns a continual dataset among those that are available.
If an error was detected while loading the available datasets, it raises the appropriate error message.
args (Namespace): the arguments which contains the hyperparameters
AssertError: if the dataset is not available
Exception: if an error is detected in the dataset
the continual dataset instance
dataset_class, dataset_args = get_dataset_class(args, return_args=True)
missing_args = [arg for arg in dataset_args.keys() if arg not in vars(args)]
assert len(missing_args) == 0, "Missing arguments for the dataset: " + ', '.join(missing_args)
parsed_args = {arg: getattr(args, arg) for arg in dataset_args.keys()}
return dataset_class(args, **parsed_args)
# import all files in the `datasets` folder to register the datasets
for file in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)):
if file.endswith('.py') and file != '__init__.py':